Departmental GTA Support
For departmental issues, you may contact the Graduate Teaching Assistant Coordinators (TACs) or Postgraduate Programs Coordinator (PGC) of your department.
Postgraduate Programs Coordinator (PGC)
The Postgraduate Programs Coordinator plays a critical role in overseeing the work of all postgraduate research students within the department. Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs) provide academic support under the supervision of Postgraduate Programs Coordinators (PGCs) and supervising faculty.
Graduate Teaching Assistant Coordinator (TAC)
Graduate Teaching Assistant Coordinators work closely with CEI, PGCs, and the department in coordinating support for GTAs in performing duties. Each year, one/two Graduate Teaching Assistant Coordinators are nominated from each department. They are experienced GTAs, who provide two-tier support to GTAs in the departmental and institutional level at HKUST.
The 22 TACs from various departments will form a TAC Committee to work together in the planning, organization, and implementation of GTA-related support programs and activities for GTAs. The Committee meet regularly on a monthly basis to review departmental issues and promote interdepartmental interaction and communication.
Contact information
Please click the following for the PGC and TAC contact details of your department.
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