Through the support of this TD project, a total of at least 12 (up to 20) “bite-sized” learning modules that focus on four specific areas will be developed for all HKUST students, namely (1) skill building and competencies, (2) human values, (3) global knowledge and (4) local knowledge.
These learning modules are offered in one credit block over a four-week summer/winter period. Students are required to complete all four modules (each from these four areas)
Each learning module will be delivered in the blended-learning format and is calibrated to be roughly 9 hours of student work: 5 hours for online content (learning module), 3 hours for face-to-face activities and 1 hour for assessment at the end of the 4 module unit.
Project Outcome
The project is still ongoing. Project outcomes will be updated upon project completion.
Project Documents (Only accessible by HKUST users)
The project aims to teach environmental economics and policy in a practicum and action-learning format with two teaching and learning components: case analysis and problem-based learning.
Project Outcome
The project is still ongoing. Project outcomes will be updated upon project completion.
Project Documents (Only accessible by HKUST users)