[IELM] aluMATTER: Case Studies
The aluMATTER Case Studies are "on-line exercises highlighting some typical aluminium applications or processes." These case studies are designed to help readers "better understand the strong links between materials science, technology and applications." The topics for the case studies include Overhead Cables, Electromagnetic Shielding and more.
- 3341 reads
Disciplinary Resources Feed
- [ACCT] AICPA Accounting Education Center Case Studies
- [ACCT] Management Accounting Section of AAA: MAS Case Resources
- [ACCT] The Business, Management and Accountancy Subject Centre
- [CBME] Chemeng Software Design (CESD) - CHEMMATHS free download
- [CBME] Chemical Engineering - Handouts for Students
- [CBME] Chemical Engineering Education
- [CBME] Reactor Lab
- [CHEM] Chemconnections: System Change Initiatives in Chemistry
- [CHEM] Chemso
- [CHEM] The Chemistry Add-in for Microsoft Word
- [CHEM] The Exploratories Project
- [CIVL] Civil Engineering Instructional Software
- [CIVL] Multiframe Academic Website
- [CSE] History of Computers
- [CSE] MIT iCampus Robot World
- [CSE] The Computer Technology Documentation Project
- [ECE] E-Learning Index: School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, the University of Nottingham
- [ECE] Electronic Tutorials
- [ECE] IEEE Xplore
- [ECE] Internet Electrical Engineer
- [ECON] The Economics Network of the UK's Higher Education Academy
- [FINA] The Instructor resources from Iowa Electronic Markets
- [General] AnSWR
- [General] Biz/ed: Learning Materials
- [General] CSISS (Center for Spatially Integrated Social Science) Select Tools
- [General] CSPro (Census and Survey Processing System)
- [General] Case Study Teaching in Science
- [General] Celebration of Women in Engineering
- [General] Cornell University Engineering Library
- [General] Database of literature about genetic information
- [General] EBSCO Electronic Journals Service
- [General] EDUCAUSE 2006
- [General] EDUCAUSE Resource Center
- [General] Educational Resources Information Center
- [General] Engage in Research
- [General] Field-tested Learning Assessment Guide
- [General] Formative Assessment in Science Teaching
- [General] H-Net Humanities and Social Science Online
- [General] Learning Outcomes
- [General] MIT Open Courseware
- [General] Over Two-Hundred Education & Science Blogs
- [General] Pacific Studies WWW Virtual Library
- [General] Physical Sciences Centre Resources
- [General] Scirus: Science-specific Search Engine
- [General] Signals, Systems and Controls Demonstrations
- [General] The JUMP Project
- [General] Virtual Instructional Designer (VID)
- [HUMA] 5th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities
- [HUMA] Asia-Pacific Economic and Business History Conference
- [HUMA] Center for History and New Media
- [HUMA] EServer
- [HUMA] Humanist
- [HUMA] JOURNAL STORAGE (JSTOR) The Scholarly Journal Archive
- [HUMA] Radical History Review
- [HUMA] The Oriental Society of Australia: "World without Walls: Asia and the West."
- [HUMA] Theory and Psychology
- [IELM] Technical Resources by the Institute of Industrial Engineers
- [IELM] Virtual Design Museum
- [IELM] aluMATTER: Case Studies
- [LIFS] Bio-journals and Newsletters
- [LIFS] BioQUEST Curriculum Consortium
- [LIFS] Biochemist E-volution
- [LIFS] Biochemistry Online: An Approach based on Chemical Logic
- [LIFS] Biodidac
- [LIFS] Biology Brought to Life
- [LIFS] Biomedia Associates
- [LIFS] Case It! Case-Based Learning in Biology
- [LIFS] MicrobeLibrary
- [LIFS] Pfleger Institute of Environmental Research
- [LIFS] Structural Bioinformatics and Computational Biochemistry
- [MARK] Customer Management Software
- [MARK] Hong Kong Trade Development Council
- [MARK] Marketing Teacher
- [MATH] Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics
- [MATH] Historical Activities for the Calculus Classroom
- [MATH] Mathcentre - For the Help you Need to Support your Course
- [MATH] Mathematical Visualization Toolkit (MVT)
- [MATH] Maths E.G.
- [MATH] Netlib Database
- [MATH] WWW Interactive Multipurpose Server
- [MATH] Whatcom Online Math Center
- [MGMT] Consortium for Entrepreneurship Education
- [PHYS] Computer Animations of Physical Process
- [PHYS] Physics resources
- [PHYS] Physicsworld
- [PHYS] Spectrum of Physics
- [PHYS] U.C. Berkeley Physics Lecture Demonstrations
- [SOSC] 16th Annual ASEN Conference
- [SOSC] Asian Studies WWW Virtual Library
- [SOSC] Asian Studies on the Pacific Coast (APSAC) 2006
- [SOSC] Contemporary Issues and Ideas in Social Sciences (CIISS)
- [SOSC] Conversations with History
- [SOSC] Electronic Journal for Sociology
- [SOSC] International Conference on Naming in Asia: Local Identities and Global Change
- [SOSC] International Social Science
- [SOSC] Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change
- [SOSC] SIMI (Site for Instructional Materials and Information)
- [SOSC] Social Science History
- [SOSC] Social Science Information Gateway (SOSIG)
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