This is "a service providing information about working papers and published research to the economics profession. IDEAS stands for 'Internet Documents in Economics Access Service' and is one of the largest bibliographic databases dedicated to Economics and available freely on the Internet. Over 350'000 items of research can be browsed or searched and over 250'000 can be downloaded in full text. In addition, IDEAS has information about 9474 economics institutions, 9609 authors who have registered with the RePEc Author Service (who have authored 169776 items listed in RePEc) and 10858 NEP reports in 74 fields."
Economics Research Network (ERN)
"The Economics Research Network publishes quality research in economics currently covering 44 subject areas. ERN is directed by Martin Feldstein and Michael C. Jensen. Feldstein is George F. Baker Professor of Economics at Harvard University and President of the National Bureau of Economic Research. Jensen is the Jesse Isidor Strauss Professor of Business Administration Emeritus, Harvard Business School, and Chairman of Social Science Electronic Publishing, Inc." You can Announce a Conference or Job Posting as "ERPN Professional Announcements publishes weekly announcements including conferences, professional meetings, calls for papers, and Professional Job Listings," communicate directly with other community members through the Professional Director and Subscribe to Journals. You can also "upload papers without charge, and any paper an author uploads to SSRN is downloadable for free, worldwide."
The Economics Network of the UK's Higher Education Academy
There are links to find books, online learning and teaching materials and resources for your subject area on the entry page. Click on What this site offers and you'll find a Handbook for Economics Lecturers with the sections as html pages or downloadable as pdf documents, Reflections on Teaching, Textbook Guide, Departmental List, Subject Index, Links to Online Resources, Diary, and Journals. You can browse through full text papers, articles and software reviews from CHEER (Computers in Higher Education Economic Review) and the online edition of the International Review of Economics Education journal.
The Econometrics Journal
This journal "covers all aspects of econometrics: Applied, Computational, Methodological, and Theoretical. The Journal encourages novel contributions from any of the alternative approaches to each of these areas. The Econometrics Journal welcomes original submissions with innovative results on all aspects of econometrics, applied, computational, methodological, and theoretical. There are no submission fees, and by being electronic, papers can be published quickly after acceptance."
You can also visit the Economic Journal. It has three types of issue: articles, features and conference papers.
Asia/Pacific Economic and Business History Conference
16-18 February 2006, Brisbane, Australia
Organized by the Economic History Society of Australia and New Zealand, "The main theme for the 2007 conference is "Varieties of Capitalist Development and Corporate Governance." Papers and proposals for sessions are invited from historians of business and society, management scientists, archivists, economists, and others on the theme above, as well as other topics in economic and business history."
The 2006 Economic & Business Historical Society Conference
27-29 April 2006, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania
"The Economic & Business Historical Society welcomes proposals for presentations on all aspects of business and economic history at its 31st annual conference. In keeping with the traditions of the society, the Society seeks proposals for both individual papers and panel sessions."
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