Online Learning & Teaching
Quick Reference
Global Learning Networks, Past, Present and Futures, by Prof Richard Larson
Copy Right in Higher Education, by Mr Stephen Selby
What will work? Using the web to promote high order learning outcome, by Prof John Hedberg
How to Prepare for Online Learning and Teaching?
Teaching with online technologies could be daunting in the beginning. This overview introduces online learning and teaching to instructors who are starting a new online project or enhancing on an existing one. This narrated presentation also provides background information on different types of online education, frequently used instructional strategies, and general procedures to plan and design your online project on your own or with CEI.
The Technology-enhanced Teaching (TeT) team provides hands-on workshops on Canvas, the HKUST Learning Management and Evaluation System. Email us at or call #8036 if you have any enquiries on Canvas. We will be happy to assist you.
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