Electronic and Computer Engineering
E-Learning Index: School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, the University of Nottingham
This website contains E-Learning support for some of the modules at the department. Animations and steps are used to explain topics such as "Phasors and Time Domain Representation", "Rotating Vector and Rotating Field", "Simple circuits (Ohm's Law, Series & Parallel Resistors)" and "Kirchhoff's Laws". http://hermes.eee.nott.ac.uk/teaching/cal/
IEEE Xplore
Managed by The IHS University Resource Centre, this site delivers full text access to technical literature in electrical engineering, computer science, and electronics. Extensive lists of Journals and Magazines, Conference proceedings, Standards and Books can be found under "Browse". Another relevant feature that the site contains is the "IEEE Peer Review". In order to "provide highly relevant technical information", a "rigorous peer review process" is implemented. Clicking into "IEEE Peer Review" will lead you to more information about the review process.
Internet Electrical Engineer
This is a free teach yourself tutorial on the Web, "teaching Internet information skills for electrical, electronic and communications engineering. The tutorial aims to teach users how to use the Internet to help with coursework, literature searching, teaching, or research. The tutorial highlights the key Internet sites for electrical, electronic and communications engineers and includes quizzes, examples, and case studies."
Electronic Tutorials
"This site offers free tutorials about amplifiers, oscillators, ham radio, filters, power supply, transmitters, receivers, and radio and electronics design as well as basic electronics. There is also a free monthly newsletter, a collection of downloadable programs, a list of recommended books, and links to an electronics questions and answers newsgroup. It is produced by Ian Purdie, a licensed radio amateur and former college instructor."
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