Learning Outcomes

Writing effective learning outcomes

Learning outcomes are statements of what students CAN DO as a result of a learning experience. The statements focused on student learning rather than our teaching. Learning outcomes can be broadly categorized in three different types:

  • Attitudes (Knowing “why”)

  • Skills (Knowing “how”)

  • Knowledge (knowing “What”)

How do I write learning outcomes statements?

Effective learning outcomes statements should be student-centered and ideally contain three parts:

  1. Behavior: an action verb that describes what students can do as a result of a learning activity

  2. Condition: an environment or situation under which the behavior or performance is to be displayed

  3. The level of achievement expected: each learning outcomes should be measurable and include the level of achievement expected.

At course level: On successful completion of this course, you will be able to [action verb] + [activity].
At Program level: On successful completion of this program, a graduate of [name of program] will be able to [action verb] + [activity].

Outcomes are about performance, and this implies:

  • There must be a performer – the student, not the teacher
  • There must be a performable act (thus demonstrable or assessable)
  • The focus is on the product, rather than the process