Student Affairs Office


National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment

Association of American Colleges and Universities

Assessment Resource Center, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University

ASKe at Oxford Brookes University

  • ASKe is the Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning being recognized for good practice based on pedagogic research into aspects of assessment carried out by staff in the Business School and the Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development.


The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

  • Program and Courses Outcomes System (PACOS) is a free web-based system designed for departments to use as a centralized web system, which manages the course and program information in regard of OBE, e.g. ILOs and mapping.

e-Portfolios: A Collaboration Between Student Affairs and Faculty


This article presents how e-Portfolios help achieve cocurricular learning outcomes. Experiences of colleges and university are also discussed.

e-Portfolios: Concepts, Designs, and integration Within Student Affairs


This article discusses how e-Portfolios support an array of higher education applications, from reflective-based e-learning to assessment of learner outcome.

Council for Advancement of Standards in Higher Education (CAS)

The Council is the pre-eminent force for promoting standards in student affairs, student services, and student development programs.

NASPA – Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education NASPA – Student Affairs

Administrators in Higher Education is the leading voice for student affairs administration, policy, and practice, and affirms the commitment of the student affairs profession to educating the whole student and integrating student life and learning.