

National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment

Association of American Colleges and Universities

Assessment Resource Center, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University

ASKe at Oxford Brookes University

  • ASKe is the Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning being recognized for good practice based on pedagogic research into aspects of assessment carried out by staff in the Business School and the Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development.


The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

  • Program and Courses Outcomes System (PACOS) is a free web-based system designed for departments to use as a centralized web system, which manages the course and program information in regard of OBE, e.g. ILOs and mapping.

Using OBE in the Planning and Teaching of New Information Technologies

This article discusses how to design an outcome-based library instruction program.

New York State Library – Outcome-based Evaluation

The New York State Library has been working with The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) since 2003 to bring outcome-based evaluation training to its library systems and their member libraries. This website includes resources like exemplars, activities and training plans.

Institute of Museum and Library Services – Outcome-based Evaluation

This provides some ideas about how to implement and design outcome-based programs for library users.

An Example of Library for Outcome-based Planning and Evaluation

This webpage showcases how to integrate outcome-based planning and evaluation in a library.

Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL)

This article discusses how to design an outcome-based library instruction program.