Experience Sharing

Sharing Hong Kong and Overseas PBL Stories

PBL advocates are invited to share their experiences on using PBL in their teaching practices. Papers and seminars discussing PBL experiences by cohorts from other institutions are archived below.

Other Institutions

Prof Kurt R Burch - University of Delaware

Prof Kurt R Burch, from the Department of Political Science & International Relations, shared "Rather than perform on tailored assignments, such students can decide how to proceed and express themselves. These are essential skills for success in life. Why not emphasize them in the classroom?" in his discussion paper titled PBL and the Lively Classroom.


Prof Barbara J Duch - University of Delaware

Prof Barbara Duch, from the Center for Teaching Effectiveness, shared "With PBL, attendance was almost 100%, students were active, participating and questioning throughout class...Would I return to lecturing in a traditional fashion? Not a chance." in her article titled Problem-Based Learning in Physics: The Power of Students Teaching Students.


Dr Steven Pompea - Pompea Associates

Dr Steven Pompea shared his practical experience on applying PBL in classes and on-line in a video taped interview with CELT.



Pedagogical Attributes

Applying PBL in Student Learning

Problem Design and How to Get Start


Prof Harold B White - University of Delaware

Prof Harold B White, from the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, described his experiences, "While creating problems obviously takes time, once started, the activity can be enormously stimulating," in his article titled Creating Problems for PBL.
