[General] EDUCAUSE 2006
9-12th October 2006, Dallas, Texas
'Focused on the theme "Spurring Innovation and Marshalling Resources," the diverse program offers a variety of ways to gather information, engage with peers in the higher education IT community, and hear from leading figures in the field-including pre-conference seminars; track sessions; poster sessions; small group meetings; and corporate exhibits, presentations, and workshops'.
- 1675 reads
Disciplinary Resources Feed
- [ACCT] AICPA Accounting Education Center Case Studies
- [ACCT] Management Accounting Section of AAA: MAS Case Resources
- [ACCT] The Business, Management and Accountancy Subject Centre
- [CBME] Chemeng Software Design (CESD) - CHEMMATHS free download
- [CBME] Chemical Engineering - Handouts for Students
- [CBME] Chemical Engineering Education
- [CBME] Reactor Lab
- [CHEM] Chemconnections: System Change Initiatives in Chemistry
- [CHEM] Chemso
- [CHEM] The Chemistry Add-in for Microsoft Word
- [CHEM] The Exploratories Project
- [CIVL] Civil Engineering Instructional Software
- [CIVL] Multiframe Academic Website
- [CSE] History of Computers
- [CSE] MIT iCampus Robot World
- [CSE] The Computer Technology Documentation Project
- [ECE] E-Learning Index: School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, the University of Nottingham
- [ECE] Electronic Tutorials
- [ECE] IEEE Xplore
- [ECE] Internet Electrical Engineer
- [ECON] The Economics Network of the UK's Higher Education Academy
- [FINA] The Instructor resources from Iowa Electronic Markets
- [General] AnSWR
- [General] Biz/ed: Learning Materials
- [General] CSISS (Center for Spatially Integrated Social Science) Select Tools
- [General] CSPro (Census and Survey Processing System)
- [General] Case Study Teaching in Science
- [General] Celebration of Women in Engineering
- [General] Cornell University Engineering Library
- [General] Database of literature about genetic information
- [General] EBSCO Electronic Journals Service
- [General] EDUCAUSE 2006
- [General] EDUCAUSE Resource Center
- [General] Educational Resources Information Center
- [General] Engage in Research
- [General] Field-tested Learning Assessment Guide
- [General] Formative Assessment in Science Teaching
- [General] H-Net Humanities and Social Science Online
- [General] Learning Outcomes
- [General] MIT Open Courseware
- [General] Over Two-Hundred Education & Science Blogs
- [General] Pacific Studies WWW Virtual Library
- [General] Physical Sciences Centre Resources
- [General] Scirus: Science-specific Search Engine
- [General] Signals, Systems and Controls Demonstrations
- [General] The JUMP Project
- [General] Virtual Instructional Designer (VID)
- [HUMA] 5th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities
- [HUMA] Asia-Pacific Economic and Business History Conference
- [HUMA] Center for History and New Media
- [HUMA] EServer
- [HUMA] Humanist
- [HUMA] JOURNAL STORAGE (JSTOR) The Scholarly Journal Archive
- [HUMA] Radical History Review
- [HUMA] The Oriental Society of Australia: "World without Walls: Asia and the West."
- [HUMA] Theory and Psychology
- [IELM] Technical Resources by the Institute of Industrial Engineers
- [IELM] Virtual Design Museum
- [IELM] aluMATTER: Case Studies
- [LIFS] Bio-journals and Newsletters
- [LIFS] BioQUEST Curriculum Consortium
- [LIFS] Biochemist E-volution
- [LIFS] Biochemistry Online: An Approach based on Chemical Logic
- [LIFS] Biodidac
- [LIFS] Biology Brought to Life
- [LIFS] Biomedia Associates
- [LIFS] Case It! Case-Based Learning in Biology
- [LIFS] MicrobeLibrary
- [LIFS] Pfleger Institute of Environmental Research
- [LIFS] Structural Bioinformatics and Computational Biochemistry
- [MARK] Customer Management Software
- [MARK] Hong Kong Trade Development Council
- [MARK] Marketing Teacher
- [MATH] Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics
- [MATH] Historical Activities for the Calculus Classroom
- [MATH] Mathcentre - For the Help you Need to Support your Course
- [MATH] Mathematical Visualization Toolkit (MVT)
- [MATH] Maths E.G.
- [MATH] Netlib Database
- [MATH] WWW Interactive Multipurpose Server
- [MATH] Whatcom Online Math Center
- [MGMT] Consortium for Entrepreneurship Education
- [PHYS] Computer Animations of Physical Process
- [PHYS] Physics resources
- [PHYS] Physicsworld
- [PHYS] Spectrum of Physics
- [PHYS] U.C. Berkeley Physics Lecture Demonstrations
- [SOSC] 16th Annual ASEN Conference
- [SOSC] Asian Studies WWW Virtual Library
- [SOSC] Asian Studies on the Pacific Coast (APSAC) 2006
- [SOSC] Contemporary Issues and Ideas in Social Sciences (CIISS)
- [SOSC] Conversations with History
- [SOSC] Electronic Journal for Sociology
- [SOSC] International Conference on Naming in Asia: Local Identities and Global Change
- [SOSC] International Social Science
- [SOSC] Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change
- [SOSC] SIMI (Site for Instructional Materials and Information)
- [SOSC] Social Science History
- [SOSC] Social Science Information Gateway (SOSIG)
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Center for Education Innovation
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Tel: (852) 2358 6811
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Email: cei@ust.hk
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