From Teaching-Learning Tips Newsletter (1993-1999)
Teaching-Learning Tips was produced by the precursor to CEI, called the Educational Technology Center (ETC) with a total of 24 issues between 1993 and 1999. The publication provides quick and practical ideas for lecturers and teaching assistants to enhance teaching effectiveness at HKUST. Its content is highly contextualized which reflects effective practices on campus. It is a conveyor of ideas to stimulate discussion and applications. It has been published regularly in both printed and electronic formats.
- Asking questions in class (issue 1/93)
- Enabling students to prepare for class (issue 2/93)
- Interviewing faculty on teaching excellence (issue 3/93)
- Interviewing faculty on teaching excellence (Part 2) (issue 4/93)
- Interviewing faculty on teaching excellence (Part 3) (issue 5/94)
- Feedback to students (issue 6/94)
- Leading/organizing discussion in class/tutorial (issue 7/94)
- Feedback to improve teaching (issue 8/94)
- Reviewing your teaching on videotape (issue 9/95)
- Use of teaching portfolio to capture your scholarship in teaching (issue 10/95)
- Teaching as a subversive activity (issue 11/95)
- How can multimedia help my teaching (issue 12/95)
- How do Hong Kong students learn? - Implications for teaching (issue 13/96)
- How to deal with academic dishonesty (issue 14/96)
- Working with large classes (issue 15/96)
- Active learning in large classes (issue 16/96)
- Teaching through academic advising—some UST experiences (issue 17/97)
- Teaching on the web (issue 18/97)
- Some research findings on teaching and learning in Hong Kong Universities (issue 19/97)
- Case studies of using Web in teaching in HKUST (issue 20/98)
- Some teaching advice from the excellent experienced (issue 21/98)
- Case studies of IT supporting teaching and learning in HKUST (issue 22/98)
- A dialogue on effective teaching at UST (issue 23/99)
- A dialogue on On-line Education with leading Instructional Designer Mrs. W. Mei Fang (issue 24/99)
In addition, Kelly and Wong’s paper "Some Research Findings on Teaching at HK Universities" provides an interesting comparison of the 'East and West' conceptions of teaching, a characteristic of the educational practice in Hong Kong. This article is particularly suitable for those who are new to Hong Kong and its teaching-learning culture.
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