
| Teaching Strategies | Class Management | Using Small Groups | Communication | Assessment | UST Supports |

Teaching Strategies

These strategies are the results of experience sharing of large class faculty and instructors. Some are tested and evaluated and can be applied immediately to make large class learning effective, productive, and enjoyable.

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Class Management

Here are some discussions on how to more effectively manage a class, the strategies of creating appropriate learning atmosphere and building up good faculty-student relationship both inside and outside the lecture room.

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Using Small Groups

Using small group teaching to supplement large class teaching is the practice of a lot of faculty and instructors. Here are some successful stories of applying this technique and recommendations on the logistics and methods of splitting a large group into small ones.

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How to maintain effective communication both between the faculty and the students and among the students is a major concern in large class teaching in particular. Some suggestions are compiled here.

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Assessment is regarded as a main concern because of the administrative and logistic complication, as well as techniques of designing appropriate tasks. Here are some suggestions on designing tasks and managing assessments.

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UST Supports

In UST, you may contact the Center for Enhanced Learning and Teaching for consultation and support; the Library for references and materials; or the Publishing Technology Center for consultation on design, media production and publishing technologies.

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