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Disciplinary Resources for SENG

[CIVL] Civil Engineering Instructional Software

Developed by faculty members of the Department of Civil Engineering, it is "a small collection of free instructional software from the Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville." Currently available programs include Instructional software, e.g. Stress Transformation (Two-dimensional stress transformation and Mohr's Circle), VandM (Shear and bending-moment diagrams), as well as non-instructional software such as WinTri (Trilateration Data Reduction).

[CIVL] Multiframe Academic Website

This site provides students of structural engineering and architecture with a wide range of resources to help them learn more about structural analysis, including "Free Academic version of Multiframe", "Sample structural models", "Sample Assignments", "Tutorials on using the software" and "Powerpoint presentations on the software".

[CBME] Reactor Lab

This is "a free software program by Richard Herz (UC-San Diego) that provides simulations of a variety of chemical reactors. Students can actively learn about chemical reactions and reactors by performing experiments and analyzing data." "Windows, Mac, and Unix versions are available."

[CBME] Chemical Engineering - Handouts for Students

Developed by Richard Felder, this is a site containing handouts for students majoring in Engineering, particularly Chemical Engineering. It provides interesting and useful materials for students. Titles of materials include A Survival Guide to Chemical Engineering, Stoichiometry Without Tears and more.

[CBME] Chemeng Software Design (CESD) - CHEMMATHS free download

CHEMMATHS is a "design of chemical, mathematical and engineering simulation software" that "features hundreds of unit conversions, chemical compound information, chemical, electrical, phyics equation solvers, Draw 2D/3D graphs at will". In this website, you will be able to get free unregistered download of the software.

[CBME] Chemical Engineering Education

Edited by Timothy J. Anderson, this quarterly journal is "written for and by chemical engineering professors in an effort to promote excellence in the teaching of chemical engineering. Articles are principally pedagogical, although some university-based research articles are included. The journal is circulated to 92 percent of the chemical engineering departments in the U.S. and Canada." Readers are able to view contents of journals by clicking on links showing year and quarter. This site also has a section "Felder's Random Thoughts", in which items by Dr Richard Felder, that have been appearing quarterly in Chemical Engineering Education since 1988, are listed.

[General] Celebration of Women in Engineering

"The Celebration of Women in Engineering is a project of the National Academy of Engineering to bring national attention to the opportunities, creativity, and potential that engineering represents to women, and to all people, of all ages."

This site "contains a gallery of women engineers, searchable by name or subject area or keyword; educational resources (including [mainly North American] academic programmes, and bibliographies of research on women in engineering and of related books and articles)." It also has Bibliography of Mentoring Opportunities, Career Information, Funding and Financial Aid.

[General] Cornell University Engineering Library

This site contains a Short List of Engineering Database which serves to get browsers started with their research in the various engineering disciplines. These recommended databases include Journal Articles, Conference Papers and Technical Reports for various engineering fields such as Applied and Engineering Physics, Automotive and Transportation Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering. For each of these fields, a list of recommended databases is provided.

[General] Signals, Systems and Controls Demonstrations

This site, developed by Johns Hopkins University, contains a list of Java Applets in Engineering Education, with the objective to explore the use of the World Wide Web in engineering education. Some examples include "Joy of Convolution", which is a Java applet that "performs graphical convolution of continuous-time signals on the screen"; "Fourier Series Approximation", a Java applet that "displays Fourier series approximations and corresponding magnitude and phase spectra of a periodic continuous-time signal".

[General] Field-tested Learning Assessment Guide

To adopt the outcome-based approach, some thoughts are required on aligning learning outcomes and course contents. This site contains rich resources on classroom assessment techniques for Engineering as well as other disciplines. In particular, it contains an assessment "primer", a section to help you select the most appropriate assessment technique(s) for your course goals.
