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Disciplinary Resources for SSCI

[MATH] Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics

MathWorld "is a comprehensive and interactive mathematics encyclopedia intended for students, educators, math enthusiasts, and researchers". Numerous topics including Algebra, Applied Mathematics, Calculus and Analysis, Probability and Statistics are clearly explained with references included for further exploration. You can find the newly incorporated and updated materials on the site via Headline News (RSS) and New in Mathworld. In addition, animated GIFs and java applets are provided in Interactive Entries.

[MATH] WWW Interactive Multipurpose Server

This site hosts numerous resources on interactive exercises, graphical mathematics games, online math tools such as the Online calculators which consists of 41 Online calculators. The Online Calculators are listed according to "the order of popularity" such as Function calculator, Ruler & compass, Matrix calculator ,Linear, Tracés animés, Matrix multiplie, Bezout and Primes

[MATH] Whatcom Online Math Center

Whatcom Community College math center has developed this collection of math links that include helpful test-taking hints, online exercises, and resources for teachers looking to find new ways of exploring everything from geometry to measurement. While the site doesn't have a search engine, visitors can browse through the links at their leisure. Some of the topics covered within this site include fractals, developmental math skills, pre-algebra, and applied math. After looking over these sites, visitors can also go to the "Teaching Math" section, which is designed specifically for teachers. [Source: Scout Report]

[MATH] Historical Activities for the Calculus Classroom

Calculus may seem to be quite dismal to some, but it comes alive through the fine work of Gabriela R. Sanchis. Sanchis wrote this excellent piece on teaching calculus by drawing on the historical evolution of some of its key concepts. With support from the National Science Foundation, she also made sure to include several interactive Java applets which educators can use in the classroom. This piece is part of the Convergence math collection, offered by the Mathematical Association of America. These materials can be used in conjunction with other activities, and visitors may also use an embedded link to send the piece to a colleague. [Source: Scout Report]

[CHEM] The Exploratories Project

The site provides free and interactive educational software for teaching Chemistry at the university level. In Free Software, you can download many Java Applets including Color Theory, Signal Processing and Texture Mapping. You can also develop your own materials by using the components provided. Read more articles for in-depth work and research done in Chemistry via Publications.

[CHEM] Chemso

The site hosts a large number of Chemistry related teaching and learning resources including Web Links, Chembytes Infozone, Chembytes Ezine, Conferences and Events, Visual Elements of Periodic Table and Networks and Societies. You can even publicize your products and services in Science Park.

[CHEM] Chemconnections: System Change Initiatives in Chemistry

This site hosts "a variety of modules dealing with chemistry and the environment, technology, and life processes" which are developed and tested by faculty. It aims at providing "scientific literacy, as well as technical competence for all students." Quicktime movies are also included to help illustrate the concepts.

[LIFS] MicrobeLibrary

The site provides over 2, 000 original and peer-reviewed resources for teaching undergraduate microbiology.

[LIFS] Biology Brought to Life

It is a unique guide for helping instructors promote active learning in the biology classroom. This manual provides practical advice and detailed instructions for implementing open-ended experiments, cooperative learning, and exercises that enhance learning skills in large or small introductory biology courses.

[LIFS] Bio-journals and Newsletters

This site contains numerous links to worldwide journals and newsletters in Biology grouping together the Pedro's Collection, Springer, Oxford, and APNet in alphabetical order.
