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Learning modules for sustainability education

Project Overview

Project Title

Learning modules for sustainability education

Project Leader

Prof Davis Bookhart

School / Dept


Project Duration

Jan 2018 - Dec 2019

Project Description

Through the support of this TD project, a total of at least 12 (up to 20) “bite-sized” learning modules that focus on four specific areas will be developed for all HKUST students, namely (1) skill building and competencies, (2) human values, (3) global knowledge and (4) local knowledge.

  • These learning modules are offered in one credit block over a four-week summer/winter period. Students are required to complete all four modules (each from these four areas)
  • Each learning module will be delivered in the blended-learning format and is calibrated to be roughly 9 hours of student work: 5 hours for online content (learning module), 3 hours for face-to-face activities and 1 hour for assessment at the end of the 4 module unit.

Project Outcome

The project is still ongoing. Project outcomes will be updated upon project completion.



Project Documents
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Full Project

Environmental Economics and Policy Clinic

Project Overview

Project Title

Environmental Economics and Policy Clinic

Project Leader

Dr K L Shum

School / Dept


Project Duration

Feb 2016 - Jan 2017

Project Description

The project aims to teach environmental economics and policy in a practicum and action-learning format with two teaching and learning components: case analysis and problem-based learning.

Project Outcome

The project is still ongoing. Project outcomes will be updated upon project completion.



Project Documents
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Full Project

On-line Interactive Virtual Labs for CBME, BIEN, CIVL and MECH Classes

Project Overview

Project Title

On-line Interactive Virtual Labs for CBME, BIEN, CIVL and MECH Classes

Project Leader

Dr Marshal Liu; Dr Carrie Ling and Prof Thomas Hu

School / Dept


Project Duration

Jul 2013 – Feb 2015

Project Description

This project intends to offer CBME, BIEN, CIVL and MECH students a series of on-line virtual labs that the teachers can use to supplement teaching and the students can participate in the relevant experiments by changing key parameters. A virtual lab consists of three major components:

  1. Model simulation of the essential properties of the system;
  2. Virtual lab view of the interactive user; and
  3. Narration of system information and instructions on how to use the virtual lab.

Project Outcome

  1. 8 virtual CBME experiements, including Evaporation, Drying, Fluid Flow, Heat Exchange, Bioreactor, Oxygen Tranfer have been developed. The contents of the experiments consist of introduction, theory, industrial process, equipment, experiment, discussion questions and online resources etc.
  2. 4 virtual experiments for BIEN, CIVL and MECH have been developed to present the concepts about material/tissue testing, loading and deformation of structures etc. The experiments allow students to analyze and prepare lab reports by providing simulated 'experimental data' that containing random errors. Students can also visualize the qualitative behavior of structures.
  3. Lecture notes of corresponding CIVL course have been re-designed.



Project Documents
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Full Project

Using Scenario Analysis, Reflective and Social Communication Approaches for Teaching Debating Skills to Improve Students’ Critical Thinking

Project Overview

Project Title

Using Scenario Analysis, Reflective and Social Communication Approaches for Teaching Debating Skills to Improve Students’ Critical Thinking

Project Leader

Prof Chi Ming Chan

School / Dept


Project Duration

Jul 2011 - Sep 2012

Project Description

The project aimed at helping students to:

  • Understand and recognize the fundamental theory, strategies, techniques and skills in debate.
  • Know how to apply theoretical argumentation and debating skills to actual environments.
  • Learn by using scenarios to combine action and learning to speed up the learning process.
  • Adopt reflection practices by scenario analysis and professional debating activities.
  • Develop critical thinking capabilities.

Project Outcome

A debate course was developed using the scenarios, reflective and social approaches to teach students the debate theories, concepts, strategies, techniques and methodologies. The learning and teaching activities in the debate course include workshops, student-led seminars, a set of debate scenario clips and exercises and a debate competition. From the pre- and post- tests on critical thinking, it was found that the students had significant improvement in critical thinking after they finished the whole course, especially after the scenario exercise. Also, the students have shown improvements in their debating skills by comparing their performance across the debate tests. Thus, the new teaching methodologies of scenario analysis have significantly improved students' debating skills and critical thinking and can be employed in other courses.



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Full Project