From Ideas to Action: Planning for sustainable CSR
Project Leader
Dr Mary Ho
School / Dept
Project Duration
Aug 2015 - Mar 2017
Project Description
The objectives of the experiential learning project are as follows:
To enable students to recognize the CSR challenges face by businesses and understand stakeholder impacts of their actions;
To facilitate students’ application of classroom-learnt knowledge to real life context in creative forms; and
To enhance students’ leadership skills and teamwork ability. The learning outcomes of the project are as follows:
To be able to recognize the key sustainability topics and high-priority issues of businesses to be socially responsible and sustainable;
To be able to diagnose the CSR issues and understand the challenges of creating shared value; and
To be able to enhance an entrepreneurial mind-set and design effective and innovative solutions in a professional and persuasive manner.
Project Outcome
A total of 4 NGOs and social enterprises, and 6 companies partnered with the course on the experiential learning student projects in 2015-16 and 2016-17.
A total of 651 business undergraduates (Year 3 & 4) worked together with our community partners in 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 academic year.
216 students (3 sessions) in Fall 2015
197 students (3 sessions) in Spring 2016
130 students (2 sessions) in Fall 2016
108 students (2 sessions) in Spring 2017
A total of 93 student projects were created in areas of CSR initiative creation, project impact evaluation, and corporate partner identification for our community partners.
MaBelle Group (one of the community partner) invited 3 project groups to execute their project idea in Winter 2018.
Project Documents (Only accessible by HKUST users)
Enhancing the Teaching and Learning of Business Ethics by Building up an Online Collection of High Quality Student-generated Projects
Project Leader
Prof Mark Mihorean
School / Dept
Project Duration
Jul 2013 – Dec 2014
Project Description
This project primarily aims at creating an online collection of previous students’ Applied Ethics Service Projects (AESP) as a database for the students of subsequent cohorts to reference.
Project Outcome
A user-friendly online collection of Applied Ethics Service Projects (AESP): All sections of the Business Ethics course are represented in this collection. Interested visitors to the site ( ) can get some information about the AESP, see some sample projects, and access a link to the larger database listing all completed student projects. Each new class of students will now have the opportunity to see these past projects which can be a source of inspiration for their own projects.
Student-inspired Projects / Content: The online collection can be used by instructors as an effective resource in highlighting relevant examples to reinforce particular themes. As each project has an ethical focus, the theoretical concepts being discussed in class could be linked to actual real-life cases that have been identified by the previous students.
Project Documents (Only accessible by HKUST users)
Ethics Education among HKUST Business School Undergraduate
Project Leader
Prof Melody Chao; Prof Jiing-lih Farh
School / Dept
Project Duration
Aug 2013 – Feb 2016
Project Description
This project is a longitudinal study that aims to examine how ethics education and university experiences contribute to the development of the students’ professional and ethical responsibility, as well as their career success upon graduation. In this project, focus groups and large scale surveys will be conducted to
identify and validate an assessment tool kit for measuring students’ personal value,
document the development and changes in value endorsement of the students through a longitudinal design,
identify factors (e.g., activities or experiences) that are conducive to the development of student’s personal reflection ability, and
provide suggestions to improve ethics education.
Project Outcome
Ethics education enhanced students' understanding of their professional and ethical responsibility through fostering critical reflection on their personal values, judgements, and decision-making processes.
Identified and adopted a set of personal reflection exercises that can be used to help students reflect on their personal value and decision-making processes and to facilitate discussions about how personal values and judgement processes shape individuals' attitudes toward real life business practices and social issues (e.g. personal privacy, gay rights, diversity policies, etc.).
Fostered personal reflection and critical thinking.
Project Documents (Only accessible by HKUST users)
Intercultural Skills Development among HKUST Business School Undergraduate: A Longitudinal Investigation
Project Leader
Prof Melody Manchi Chao and Prof Larry Jiing-Lih Farh
School / Dept
Project Duration
Jun 2010 - Jun 2012
Project Description
It was a longitudinal study that aimed at:
Identifying and validating assessment tools for measuring students' multicultural skills
Documenting undergraduates' intercultural experiences and the development of their multicultural skills
Identifying factors (e.g., activities or experiences) that are conducive to the development of student's multicultural skills
Providing suggestions to improve the outcome based education program.
Project Outcome
A longitudinal study was conducted to examine how students' university experiences contribute to the development of their multicultural ability, as well as their career success upon graduation. Through the longitudinal study, it was found that the exchange program is effective in enhancing the intercultural skills and fostering more positive attitudes towards minority group. Factors that could potentially facilitate students' learning were also identified so as to harvest the most out of their exchange experiences.
Project Documents (Only accessible by HKUST users)