Period of 2005 - 2009
1. Number of Funded Projects
From 2005 – 2009, 42 projects were funded with a total approved budget of HK$6,927,502. The following tables show the details of the projects:
Table 1: Distribution of Funded Projects by Project Level
Table 2: Distribution of Funded Projects by Schools
Table 3: Distribution of Funded Projects by Departments
2. Project Evaluation
Responding to the advice provided by the external consultant in 2006, pre- and post- measures for improvement in student learning were conducted in the period 2006-2008. All project/project adaptation leaders from these two rounds were required to provide two kinds of evidence on student learning impact: a) Generic measurement of student level of deep/surface learning using the Study Process Questionnaire (SPQ) to be conducted pre- and post- the teaching innovations; and b) subject specific baseline measurement (to be determined by individual project leaders). Table 4 shows the types of evaluation taken by the project leaders.
Table 4: Forms of evaluation Conducted
# Count = Number of projects which the specified form of evaluation were conducted.
3. Project Effectiveness
Students were encouraged to adopt a deep learning approach, which could be achieved by such methods as engaging students in authentic learning experiences, adopting student-oriented approaches in teaching and using appropriate forms of assessments. In order to conduct a consistent evaluation to study the change of students’ learning approaches, Study Process Questionnaire (SPQ) was used to measure at the start of a course to compare with their achievements at the end. Table 5 and 6 shows the learning effectiveness according to the SPQ results and specific-designed learning goals.
Table 5: Means and Standard Deviations for the Students on the SPQ (Spring 2006/07, Fall and Spring 2007/08)
Independent T-Test: *p<0.05; **p<0.01; ***p<0.001
Table 6: Achieved Learning Goals by Completed Individual Projects/Project Adaptations
#Count = Numbers of projects which the specified learning goals were achieved.
4. Project Dissemination
21 out of 33 (63.6%) Projects were disseminated in the Teaching and Learning Symposium 2007. Among those, 4 projects were awarded with the Teaching Innovation Awards. Table 7 shows other forms of project dissemination.
Table 7: Dissemination of Completed Individual Projects/Project Adaptations
#Count = Numbers of projects which the specified means of dissemination were used.
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