Call for Proposals for Innovative Teaching Development Projects - Academic Year 2013/2014 (Round 2)
Funded by the Office of the Provost, HKUST
Is it time for an innovative change in your teaching?
CELT would like to invite faculty and teaching staff to propose projects that aim at delivering original and innovative teaching ideas to enhance teaching and the student learning experience. With the implementation of the 4-year undergraduate curriculum underway, proposals that involve new and pioneering or innovatively revised courses will be welcomed; especially those that support blended learning and authentic assessment of learning1.
Applicants are strongly encouraged to adopt an action research approach to implement their teaching and learning innovation to foster a systematic, reflective and iterative method for teaching development.
The second round call for proposals for the academic year of 2013/2014 is now open for applications which the projects are proposed to start in Jul 2014.
Important Dates
Deadline for Preliminary Proposal Submission | 30 Jan 2014 |
Deadline for Final Proposal Submission | 7 Mar 2014 |
Teaching Development Project Funding Committee Meeting | Early May 2014 (all applicants will be invited to clarify their project ideas to the Funding Committee) |
Announcement of Results | Late May 2014 |
Click here to know more and send us your innovative teaching ideas now!
1Authentic assessment of learning is an approach to assessment which measures students' learning performance in a real life context. The authentic assessment tasks designed should enable students to apply knowledge and skills learnt into a real life situation or a simulated real life situation. This is different from traditional assessment, such as multiple- choice, fill-in-the-blank and true or false questions, which tends to limit the assessment of students' learning to lower order thinking skills (such as memorization recall, basic explanation and well-defined application).
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