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An extended controlled parallel study of IELM2100S and IELM2100E with a longitudinal follow-up study of graduates from the IELM2100S/E in 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019

Project Overview

Project Title

An extended controlled parallel study of IELM2100S and IELM2100E with a longitudinal follow-up study of graduates from the IELM2100S/E in 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019

Project Leader

Prof Richard So

School / Dept


Project Duration

Dec 2017 - Dec 2019

Project Description

Through the support of this TD project, the learning environments of IELM2100S and IELM2100E will be improved such that students will be stimulated to charge forward but at the same time, not to overwhelm them with fear and worry, nor to be over-reliant on instructor’s help.

  • In Spring 2018 and 2019, the project leader will (i) identify the ‘weaker’ classmates and offer appropriate help; (ii) set up incentive schemes to encourage peer coaching; and (iii) increase the level “mentoring” systematically
  • With students’ feedback from last two years (Spring 2016 and 2017), four hypotheses on improving student learning were generated that can improve students' learning in IELM2100E and will be examined in Spring 2018 and 2019:
    • Evaluation will be conducted to monitor the learning experience and to understand how the presence of mentors could affect the learning quality by measuring the communication between these mentors and each team
    • A longitudinal study of alumni from both IELM2100S and IELM2100E classes from 2016 to 2019 will be conducted with the web-based questionnaire to measure the long term differences between the two modes of learning and to determine how long the knowledge of automation would remain with the students.

Project Outcome

The project is still ongoing. Project outcomes will be updated upon project completion.



Project Documents
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Full Project


An Experiential Extension of IELM2100: a controlled parallel trial

Project Overview

Project Title

An Experiential Extension of IELM2100: a controlled parallel trial

Project Leader

Prof Richard So

School / Dept


Project Duration

Aug 2015 - Jul 2017

Project Description

The project aims to provide students opportunities to enhance their learning through experiential learning projects developed based on real scenario from the industry. At the same time, the project will conduct a controlled trial to study and compare the learning experience of student taking IELM2100 with 1) a regular lecture and lab mode of learning and 2) an experiential project and lecture mode of learning.

Project Outcome

- an introductroy video providing the industrial relevance of the EL project

- a customized TA's manual on how to guide the UG students through a modified Master/Apprentice mode of learning (FACDEV, 2014)

- sets of rubrics for different stages of the EL projects for continuous feedback and evaluation of learning outcomes

- an enhanced video for the EL projects from start to finish for future promotion

- the delivery of the dual-mode of IELM2100 in Spring 2016 and 2017

- a report analyzing the effectiveness of the new experiential model of learning



Project Documents
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Full Project