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Promoting entrepreneurship education across disciplines

Project Overview

Project Title

Promoting entrepreneurship education across disciplines

Project Leader

Prof Erwin Huang

School / Dept


Project Duration

Feb 2018 - Jan 2019

Project Description

Through the support of this TD project, learning modules will be developed and deployed in ENTR1001, which is designed as a common core course without prerequisite and made available to all UG students.

  • These learning modules will be in a form of workshops (2-3 working days or 10-15 hours)
  • The pedagogy can be varied can be hands-on workshops, lectures, videos, or lab works.
  • Two modules will be developed in this one-year timeframe:
  1. App prototyping module for non-software engineers
    • Courses offered by SENG and SBM on apps development
    • Targeted for programmers or high level business students
    • Learners will be taught with hands on experience on how a mobile app can be developed through persona scenario, storyboarding to generate mockups for testing and try out flows with potential users.
  2. Makers-lab hardware prototyping module
    • Developed by the SENG to encourage hardware prototyping
    • To encourage hand-on trial and error within the lab to solve a business or social problem
    • To encourage to try out hardware ideas through rapid prototyping tools in the Markers lab to create products for trials

Project Outcome

The project is still ongoing. Project outcomes will be updated upon project completion.



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An extended controlled parallel study of IELM2100S and IELM2100E with a longitudinal follow-up study of graduates from the IELM2100S/E in 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019

Project Overview

Project Title

An extended controlled parallel study of IELM2100S and IELM2100E with a longitudinal follow-up study of graduates from the IELM2100S/E in 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019

Project Leader

Prof Richard So

School / Dept


Project Duration

Dec 2017 - Dec 2019

Project Description

Through the support of this TD project, the learning environments of IELM2100S and IELM2100E will be improved such that students will be stimulated to charge forward but at the same time, not to overwhelm them with fear and worry, nor to be over-reliant on instructor’s help.

  • In Spring 2018 and 2019, the project leader will (i) identify the ‘weaker’ classmates and offer appropriate help; (ii) set up incentive schemes to encourage peer coaching; and (iii) increase the level “mentoring” systematically
  • With students’ feedback from last two years (Spring 2016 and 2017), four hypotheses on improving student learning were generated that can improve students' learning in IELM2100E and will be examined in Spring 2018 and 2019:
    • Evaluation will be conducted to monitor the learning experience and to understand how the presence of mentors could affect the learning quality by measuring the communication between these mentors and each team
    • A longitudinal study of alumni from both IELM2100S and IELM2100E classes from 2016 to 2019 will be conducted with the web-based questionnaire to measure the long term differences between the two modes of learning and to determine how long the knowledge of automation would remain with the students.

Project Outcome

The project is still ongoing. Project outcomes will be updated upon project completion.



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Full Project


Developing an Experiential Common Core Course in Creative Sound Design

Project Overview

Project Title

Developing an Experiential Common Core Course in Creative Sound Design

Project Leader

Prof Andrew Horner

School / Dept


Project Duration

Jan 2018 - Dec 2019

Project Description

Through the support of this TD project, the project team aims to develop an experiential common core course in creative sound design.

  • The common core course:
  1. A general introductory course which opens to all students without prerequisites
  2. evolves around weekly fantasy-adventure assignments in mood manipulation through music
  3. redesigns the 4000-level Computer Music class and restructures it as an experiential class with a sense of adventure, magic, fantasy and mystery like in a Harry Potter potions or charms class at Hogwarts, and also to the wider genre of fantasy adventure, including science fiction and HK comics themes
  4. The lecture sessions change accordingly to more of a briefing and de-briefing session format that revolve around the lab assignments.
  • The assignments are very open-endedly experiential and emotive tasks that allow great freedom in musical and technical approaches.

Project Outcome

The project is still ongoing. Project outcomes will be updated upon project completion.



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Motivating Student's Interest in Earthquake Engineering via Reverse Experiential Learning

Project Overview

Project Title

Motivating Student's Interest in Earthquake Engineering via Reverse Experiential Learning

Project Leader

Prof CC Chang

School / Dept


Project Duration

Jul 2017 - Jun 2019

Project Description

To develop two key elements to facilitate the development of an experiential learning course on earthquake engineering, the course will be designed according to the following four learning stages:
1. Model building, performance prediction and verification

  • Students construct building models and predict the performance of their building models as well as others’. The models will then be tested on a shake table using simulated earthquake in a competition as verification.

2. Reflective observation

  • Students make observation and conduct group discussions to reflect on the performance of their building models; and to identify factors that might affect the seismic performance.

3. Issues and knowledge conceptualization

  • Students conduct guided discussion to facilitate the connection between the identified factors and the related domains of knowledge.

4. Experimentation and model refinement

  • Some illustrative experiments will be performed to demonstrate key technical issues pertinent to the seismic performance of building models. Students refine their building models and explain the reasons behind.

Project Outcome

The project is still ongoing. Project outcomes will be updated upon project completion.



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DESR (Data-Enabled Scalable Research) Lab - Incubator of Creative Learners and Hub of Transformation

Project Overview

Project Title

DESR (Data-Enabled Scalable Research) Lab - Incubator of Creative Learners and Hub of Transformation

Project Leader

Prof YH Wang

School / Dept


Project Duration

Aug 2017 - Jan 2019

Project Description

The objectives of this TDG project include:

  1. To train students to become all-round leaders or inventors in the loT (internet of things) industry.
  2. To help students to gradually develop the sense of achievement, understand their self-value and establish the self-confidence throughout the learning and training process.
  3. To establish an optimized operation model to manage Makerspace and to promote technology entrepreneurial education in the HKUST.

Project Outcome

The project is still ongoing. Project outcomes will be updated upon project completion.



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Revolutionizing Dynamics Teaching and Learning with Interactive Symbolic Computation Tools

Project Overview

Project Title

Revolutionizing Dynamics Teaching and Learning with Interactive Symbolic Computation Tools

Project Leader

Prof Thomas Hu

School / Dept


Project Duration

Jul 2017 - Dec 2018

Project Description

Through the support of this TD project, students in CIVL4430 will be able to solve dynamics problems and have a rapid visualization with the use of handheld CAS units.

  • Lectures: Develop CAS-based solution methods to reduce problem solving time, to allow the teacher to interact with the students through the Navigator, to solve more realistic problems with in-depth treatment and to create more visualization
  • Tutorials: Use the TI Navigator software to send quiz problems to the students so that TA (or RA) can monitor, collect and grade students’ work immediately.
  • Exams: With the CAS calculators and Navigator system, the teacher can send data, graphs to the students during an exam to avoid tedious data entry and students’ cheating problems.

Project Outcome

The project is still ongoing. Project outcomes will be updated upon project completion.



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Full Project

Interactive Teaching for Visualizing Microscopic Actions in Semiconductor Devices

Project Overview

Project Title

Interactive Teaching for Visualizing Microscopic Actions in Semiconductor Devices

Project Leader

Prof Mansun Chan

School / Dept


Project Duration

Jan 2017 - Dec 2018

Project Description

This project aims at:

  1. helping students to visualize the actions of carriers and atoms in the solid
  2. engaging the students to spend more time with the system (in contrast to textbook or lecture video) with the positive learning experience and outcome
  3. enabling students to design and optimize the performance of a devices by changing the design parameters
  4. enabling students to score high mark in design based problem in the final assessment of semiconductor related classes

Project Outcome

The project is still ongoing. Project outcomes will be updated upon project completion.



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Full Project

Social Gaming Platform for COMP2711

Project Overview

Project Title

Social Gaming Platform for COMP2711

Project Leader

Dr Kenneth W T LEUNG

School / Dept


Project Duration

Jan 2017 - Dec 2018

Project Description

To tackle the traditional paper-based homework cheating problem, I propose to develop a social gaming platform for students not only to answer homework questions, but also to design their own questions for the course. Designing questions requires students to have a good understanding of the materials covered in class, and it allows students to learn the issues better. The goal of the social gaming platform is to help students to learn the topics and think about the learning outcomes of the course while designing their own questions, and also to create a large enough pool of questions to avoid cheating.

Project Outcome

The project is still ongoing. Project outcomes will be updated upon project completion.



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Development of Experiential Learning in Electric Vehicle

Project Overview

Project Title

Development of Experiential Learning in Electric Vehicle

Project Leader

Prof C N KO & Prof David LAM

School / Dept


Project Duration

Jul 2016 - Dec 2017

Project Description

The project aims to add in time-based factor to measure the nature of the experiential tasks or milestones in the course.  We intend to measure the time taken by the team to reach the main milestones, namely, the delivery of project charter and the submission of the team’s overall design concept. This time-based measurement will give us in-process feedbacks on how the course is being received and how we should gauge the difficulty of the course and fine-tune the content of the remaining part of the course. This is an additional metric that is particularly useful to measure experiential learning as this allows us to calibrate the assigned experiential tasks' difficulty. 

Project Outcome

Students learned the industrial way to collect voice of customers and determined their project Ys (based upon CTQs) and carried out project activities and project management that ensure the project Ys were accomplished on time and budget

Each group overcame their first milestone hurdle to generate the first 3D CAD drawing and BOM of their own EV

Students were eager to propose ideas and find out how to reassure their design ideas by carrying out Finite Element Analysis and experiments to prove their viabilities before putting them into their solid products

Each group manufactured their own design modules and securely assembled their own  EV that could race with other teams’ EVs  in class. The competition had really brought out their best, teamwork, dedication and hard work towards building own unique EV

The students were able to successfully attempt what a graduate engineer can do by converting their ideas into practical design features that can live up to the satisfaction of their customers regarding additional safety, seat room and a hard rain proof shelter etc..



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Design and Assessment for MOOC and Its Smooth Relocation to Canvas

Project Overview

Project Title

Design and Assessment for MOOC and Its Smooth Relocation to Canvas

Project Leader

Prof S H Song

School / Dept


Project Duration

Jul 2016 - Jun 2018

Project Description

The project aims to:

  1. Understand the advantages, disadvantages, and challenges of online assessment.
  2. Improve the assessment for online exercises and simulations, especially Matlab-based and system-level simulations.
  3. Disseminate our experience in online assessment to faculty at HKUST.
  4. Relocate the material developed for MOOC back to Canvas for use in physical class on campus.
  5. Develop a department/school/university level Matlab learning/teaching platform.

Project Outcome

The project is still ongoing. Project outcomes will be updated upon project completion.



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