Project Description
The Hong Kong higher education reform emphasized on all-round development of students according to his/her own attributes. With the aim of drawing the best out of students and entailing intense participation and extensive teamwork, this project included more intensive training and extended the scope to include topics of Mathematics and Physics. In addition to organizing secondary school mini-lecture series for the participants, the project planned to arrange a few outstanding talks to be presented in UG seminar classes in the Departments of Mathematics and Physics. This benefited a larger pool of students with the aim to stimulate further participation and to enrich the academic culture.
Project Outcome
During the reporting period, a number of presentation rehearsals were arranged where Jack, Brian, CELT staff (both ID and ER team) and Prof Fung, Wong, Sou, and Ng, gave comments and suggestions to students.
All school talks were video-taped and the website of the project ( was updated regularly.
8 PHYS students took part in 8 school talks covering 4 different topics (The Science of UV, Special Relativity, Microwave Oven and Nanotechnology).
The talks were delivered to 6 secondary schools (Bishop Hall Jubilee School, Shung Tak Catholic English College, SMKMCF Ma Ko Pan Mem College, Belilios Public School, HKSYC&IA Chan Nam Chong Memorial College and Buddhist Wong Fung Ling College) during the period of Nov 19, 2004 to Jan 25, 2005.
Students attended CELT’s DIY workshop series (school talk training) on “How to Prepare Multimedia Instructional Materials for Physical Science Subjects” in the period of Jan 10-21, 2005.