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Development of an experiential course "Using movie to teach science"

Project Overview

Project Title

Development of an experiential course "Using movie to teach science"

Project Leader

Prof Che Ting CHAN

School / Dept


Project Duration

Jan 2016 - Dec 2017

Project Description

The project aims at improving students' potentials of being a successful educator on the one hand; on the other hand, strengthening their concepts in science. By participating in organising a science summer camp to secondary school students, our undergraduates will learn:

  • To clarify and consolidate the concepts of the subject materials
  • To create and develop teaching tools that can be used to teach Science in an interesting manner
  • To organise teaching and learning activities  
  • To present and communicate with a broad audience; and
  • To communicate with secondary school students

Project Outcome

The project is still ongoing. Project outcomes will be updated upon project completion.



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Effective Learning of Physics

Project Overview

Project Title

Effective Learning of Physics

Project Leader

Prof Xiang Rong Wang

School / Dept


Project Duration

Jan 2014 - Dec 2015

Project Description

The objective of this project is to develop a collection of paper-based or pdf formatted problem solutions and notes in such a way that students is likely to learn critical thinking through a pictorial understanding of the problems and a good understanding of the logics of each step in the solutions. A pilot study will be run by focusing on the first 3 chapters of the course textbook for a Physics course, PHYS5250 “Quantum Mechanics I” . Students will take initiative to learn the logics and rationale behind the concepts and problems covered in the course with this new pedagogical approach.

Project Outcome

The project outcomes are yet been updated.



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Multimedia Teaching Development for Introductory Physics Courses

Project Overview

Project Title

Multimedia Teaching Development for Introductory Physics Courses

Project Leader

Prof K K Fung

School / Dept


Project Duration

Sept 2004 - Aug 2005

Project Description

In the learning of many physical courses, students often foundd difficulties in visualizing various abstract concepts and understanding different physics ideas. Computer animations, video demonstrations and other multimedia teaching aids were able to present geometrical and dynamical concepts in a clear and lively way. They overcame the hurdles of students learning these concepts, thus helping the students to have a deeper understanding of the principles, and maintaining a high interest of the students on the subject. The aim of this project was to illustrate and explain complicated physics concepts and through the use of a web-based database to enhance effective teaching in physics courses.

Project Outcome

  • PHYS011: a) A quiz bank in WebCT platform for pre-lecture online quizzes; b) 59 active figures and 56 movies from publisher were adapted to the course website; c) 3 video demonstrations on elevator forces, friction and contact area and conservation of angular momentum; d) 2 animations on centre of mass and simple harmonic motion; and e) 11 assignment solutions with hints and annotations for further explanations.

  • PHYS013: a) A quiz bank in WebCT platform for pre-lecture online quizzes; b)57 active figures and 22 movies from publisher were adapted to the course website; c) 1 video demonstration on Mechanical Analogue for Resistance; d)1 animation on Mechanical Analogue for Resistance; and e) 11 assignment solutions with hints and annotations for further explanations.



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Scanning Electron Microscopy for Materials Science via the Internet

Project Overview

Project Title

Scanning Electron Microscopy for Materials Science via the Internet

Project Leader

Prof Ning Wang & Prof K K Fung

School / Dept


Project Duration

Feb 2004 - Dec 2004

Project Description

In this project, an interactive interface was developed which enhanced the teaching and learning of electron microscopy in material science.  Using the online SEM, instructors could demonstrate using the microscope in real time via an Internet connection in a classroom.  Students could perform experiments with the instrument through the same channel after class too.  This led to improvements in their learning efficiency.  Since the operation of an SEM required considerable resources, an interactive virtual SEM was a useful substitute.  SEM images and spectra was collected in this project to build a database for demonstrations in material science classes using the virtual SEM.

Project Outcome

  • Collected all necessary data such as available software/ program and the codes/ function that  controls the SEM through the internet

  • Used Flash communication server to control the SEM video transmission and SEM workstation control system

  • Data and video capture devices are operated separately by two PCs

  • Created RS232 PC/ SEM interface to control the SEM

  • Developed the web-based interactive interface for the online SEM

  • The internet SEM has been placed in the E-Class website ( for a PG course of PHYS 582

  • Fine-tune Flash communication server to control the SEM video transmission and SEM workstation control system

  • Fine-tune the web-based interactive interface for the online control SEM

  • Incorporation of all functions of the online SEM into the existing course website Phys250-E-Class System

  • Relocation of the SEM from 4/F to 2/F and reinstall and setup the online SEM.

  • Test and use the SEM via the internet for a UG course Phys250 fall semester 2004 as class demonstration and experiment.

  • Development of interactive interface for online experiment;

  • Development of new http version of the online SEM

  • Development of a stand-alone version of the SEM version

  • Finalize the software



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All-round Development of Sciences Students through Project Courses

Project Overview

Project Title

All-round Development of Sciences Students through Project Courses

Project Leader

Prof K Y M Wong

School / Dept


Project Duration

Sept 2002 - Mar 2005

Project Description

The education reform emphasizes on all round development of students according to his/her own attributes. By introducing this project course, students had more opportunities to strengthen their skills in searching, discovering, integrating and organizing knowledge. Besides, their collaborative skills and communication skills were improved through assisting the juniors and presentations. This project basically followed the action research approach through stages of planning, action, evaluation and reflection. Science faculty members who shared the same vision of providing all-round education to UG students collected wide range of project topics. A proper computer and laboratory environment were set up for project work. Students were enrolled in project courses and choosed their own project topic and work under the supervision of a UST Science faculty, with assistance from TA’s, senior UG students, as well as external collaborators. They were evaluated by their project reports, plus their presentations both inside UST (such as UG seminars in PHYS180) and outside (such as popular lectures and secondary schools). Student evaluations were studied, and students were invited to share their experience. Experienced students wereinvited to be helpers for new project students in the coming year. This built a tradition of peer guidance.

Project Outcome

  • 2002 - 2003 Spring: a) 10 students delivered 10 school talks covering 4 topics: The Science of UV, Binary Pulsars, Life Out There and Mobile Network; from March 2003 to July 2003; b)  The seminars were held in 6 secondary schools including Baptist LMC, Christian Alliance Cheng Wing Gee, Sun Kei, Ng Siu Mui Technical School, St Joseph’s, and St Paul’s Co-educational; and c) Due to the unexpected outbreak of SARS, a number of secondary school talks were cancelled during Apr 03. The network with secondary schools was expanded and a few more secondary school talks were successfully arranged after SARS.

  • 2003 - 04 Fall: a) 14 students delivered 8 school talks covering 4 topics: The Science of UV, Binary Pulsars, Life Out There and Mobile Network; from October 2003 to December 2003; and b) The seminars were held in 7 secondary schools including St. Clare, Chinese Women’s Club, St. Paul’s Covent, La Salle, Lam Kau Mow, Law Chan Chor Si, and Shung Tak.

  • 2003 - 04 Spring: a) 11 students delivered 25 school talks covering 7 topics: The Science of UV, X-ray Astronomy, ER Fluid, Nanotechnology, Wonderful Butterflies, Special Relativity and Mobile Network; from March 2004 to July 2004; and b)  The seminars were held in 19 secondary schools including Lam Woo, Notre Dame, Tak Sun, Carmel Divine Grace, Cheung Chuk Shan, CNEC Christian, Siu Ming, Ying Wah, Lam Kau Mow, Shatin Methodist, Buddhist Wong Wan Tin, St Stephen Girls’, Shung Tak, St Mark’s, Buddhist Wong Fung Ling, Chinese Women’s Club, Sun Kei, Clementi, and Chan Nam Chong.

  • 2004 - 2005 Fall: a) 8 students delivered 8 school talks covering 4 topics: The Science of UV, Microwave Oven, Nanotechnology and Special Relativity; from November 2004 to January 2005; and b) The seminars were held in 6 secondary schools including Bishop Hall Jubilee, Shung Tak, Ma Ko Pan, Memorial, Belilios Public School, Chan Nam Chong, and Buddhist Wong Fung Ling.



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Multimedia Teaching Development for Physics Course

Project Overview

Project Title

Multimedia Teaching Development for Physics Course

Project Leader

Prof T K NG

School / Dept


Project Duration

Sept 2002 - Dec 2004

Project Description

Students often have difficulties in visualizing various abstract concepts when learning topics such as 3D geometry, wavevector space, and topics involving complicated time dependence in a series of events. Computer animations and other teaching aids can present geometrical and dynamical concepts clearly and in a lively manner. They arouse students’ interests in the subject, help them in visualizing complex concepts and thus develop a deeper understanding of underlying physics principles. The animations were developed for the Introduction to Astrophysics and Astronomy course and were used in Spring 2004. Animations and other multimedia teaching tools were also be used in other physics courses (for example, PHYS121) to arouse students’ interest and prompted them to learn the subject with greater depth. Videos and a quiz bank were implemented in the course on the WebCT platform.

Project Outcome

  • PHYS007 (both Spring and Fall): A comprehensive animation on relativistic effects

  • PHYS002 (Spring 04): Three animations on (1) celestial sphere (2) neutron star (3) gravitational wave of binary pulsars

  • PHYS104 (Spring 04): Standardization of teaching materials from course PHYS121 (Fall 03)

  • PHYS121 (Fall 04): a) Demonstration videos and quiz question bank in WebCT platform; b) One animation and video demonstration on electricity; and c) A newly produced animation on the microwave oven

  • PHYS011 (Fall 04): Four animations and videos on Mechanics



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Modification on the Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) Project for MSc Program in Material Science

Project Overview

Project Title

Modification on the Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) Project for MSc Program in Material Science

Project Leader

Prof XX Zhang

School / Dept


Project Duration

Nov 2004 - Aug 2005

Project Description

Scanning electron microscope (SEM) was one of the most important equipment for the experiment course of the MSc program in materials science, yet the SEM was not accessible to all students due to resource limitation. The Internet SEM developed by the Physics Department gave a solution to this problem. This was because the MSc students could do some experiments through the Internet in evenings or weekends. The project proposed to modify the Internet SEM for the MSc program and to upload it to the MSc course website.

Project Outcome

  • The internet SEM has been modified and incorporated into the course website of the MSc program in materials science.

  • A data base has been built up for the internet SEM in the course website of the MSc program.

  • The online experimental interface of the internet SEM for the MSc program has been developed.

  • The experimental procedures, data collection and recording, experimental report and grading system were integrated

  • An interactive virtual SEM interface which provided multiple accesses to the virtual SEM has been developed.

  • All these developments have been completed by Aug. 31, 2005.  A MSc course (MATL515) has used the internet SEM for class demonstration.  Some students also used the internet SEM on a voluntary basis in the spring semester 2005.



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Adaptation from Scanning electron microscopy for material science via the internet


Development of a New Physics Demonstration Facility and Renovation of General Physics III (modern physics) Laboratory

Project Overview

Project Title

Development of a New Physics Demonstration Facility and Renovation of General Physics III (modern physics) Laboratory

Project Leader

Prof Penger Tong and David KS Mak

School / Dept


Project Duration

Jan 2011 - Aug 2012

Project Description

This project planned to facilitate the implementation of the new 4-year curriculum at the program level to offer general physics courses for a large number of incoming students who had less preparation in basic science and less exposure to laboratory work than the A-level entrants.  The project would set up a departmental demo room and introduce more classroom demonstrations for the general physics courses, and revamp the laboratory component of General Physics III for Modern Physics. The planned reform for the general physics courses was expected to improve the classroom demonstration and laboratory teaching for future students. 

Project Outcome

  1. A fully functional demonstration facility is set up in the Department of Physics. It includes a demo room for storing all demo items and an online catalog listing all the available demos.

  2. Revamp of General Physics III lab, involving resdesigning the course format and syllabus, revising the existing experiments and adding new experiments.

  3. Posters for introducing and promoting General Physics lab courses are developed and posted.



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Development of Interactive Assessment Platform for General Physics Courses

Project Overview

Project Title

Development of Interactive Assessment Platform for General Physics Courses

Project Leader

Prof Nian Lin

School / Dept


Project Duration

Sept 2009 - Oct 2011

Project Description

To replace the static textual physics assessment provided from textbooks, this project developed an online interactive learning and assessment platform which consists of different levels of real-world physics problems with interactive animations and instant feedback for general physics courses. It aimed at helping students to visualize abstract concepts, to link the conceptual ideas to the mathematics and hence to solve the problems. Game-like approaches were adopted to enable progressive learning.

Project Outcome

  • An online platform of interactive problem bank for general physics assessment was developed.

  • New problems for general physics were designed.

  • Students' understanding of physics conceptsa and ability to apply physics laws to solve real-world problems were enhanced.

  • Students' interest in studying general physics was enhanced.



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Demonstrations in Introductory Electromagnetism and Modern Physics Course (PHYS013)

Project Overview

Project Title

Biochemical Basis of Parkinson’s Disease & the Therapy

Project Overview

Project Title

Biochemical Basis of Parkinson’s Disease & the Therapy

Project Leader

Prof Yi Fan Han

School / Dept


Project Duration

Nov 2006 - May 2008

Project Description

The project aimed to develop a 3D animation software for the biochemistry and biology major students, which can show the biochemical basis of Parkinson's Disease including the symptoms, pathology and therapy.

Project Outcome

  • A Simulated Learning Aid (SLA) about Biochemical basis of Parkinson's disease and the therapy, composed of videos, 2D simulated animations of biochemical pathways and a self quiz, was developed.



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Full Project

Project Leader

Prof Yi Fan Han

School / Dept


Project Duration

Nov 2006 - May 2008

Project Description

The project aimed to develop a 3D animation software for the biochemistry and biology major students, which can show the biochemical basis of Parkinson's Disease including the symptoms, pathology and therapy.

Project Outcome

  • A Simulated Learning Aid (SLA) about Biochemical basis of Parkinson's disease and the therapy, composed of videos, 2D simulated animations of biochemical pathways and a self quiz, was developed.



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Project Overview

Project Title

Demonstrations in Introductory Electromagnetism and Modern Physics Course (PHYS013)

Project Leader

Prof Nian Lin

School / Dept


Project Duration

Nov 2007 - May 2008

Project Description

In this project, Project Leader tried to motivate students and enhance their understanding of the mathematical equations and the physical principles underlined in a preparatory Physics course by developing and presenting  experiments of electromagnetism and physics phenomena. The project also engaged students with videos with slow-motioned playback and interactive features.

Project Outcome

  • About 50 live demonstrations were performed in class of PHYS013.
  • A total of 8 videos, with slow motion and frozen frames, were produced.



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Adapted from Demonstrations in introductory mechanics and their recording by videotapes



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