Promoting entrepreneurship education across disciplines
Project Leader
Prof Erwin Huang
School / Dept
Project Duration
Feb 2018 - Jan 2019
Project Description
Through the support of this TD project, learning modules will be developed and deployed in ENTR1001, which is designed as a common core course without prerequisite and made available to all UG students.
These learning modules will be in a form of workshops (2-3 working days or 10-15 hours)
The pedagogy can be varied can be hands-on workshops, lectures, videos, or lab works.
Two modules will be developed in this one-year timeframe:
App prototyping module for non-software engineers
Courses offered by SENG and SBM on apps development
Targeted for programmers or high level business students
Learners will be taught with hands on experience on how a mobile app can be developed through persona scenario, storyboarding to generate mockups for testing and try out flows with potential users.
Makers-lab hardware prototyping module
Developed by the SENG to encourage hardware prototyping
To encourage hand-on trial and error within the lab to solve a business or social problem
To encourage to try out hardware ideas through rapid prototyping tools in the Markers lab to create products for trials
Project Outcome
The project is still ongoing. Project outcomes will be updated upon project completion.
Project Documents (Only accessible by HKUST users)
This project proposes to develop an experiential learning project-based course that provides our undergraduate students an opportunity to work with their peers from other schools (i.e. SENG/SSCI/SBM/SHSS/IPO) as a team, to serve the identified community group who are from normal primary and secondary students as well as students with special education needs (SEN).
Project Outcome
The project is still ongoing. Project outcomes will be updated upon project completion.
Project Documents (Only accessible by HKUST users)
Development of Mathematics Modules for enhancing students' engineering problem solving skills
Project Leader
Prof Kam Tim Woo
School / Dept
Project Duration
Jan 2011 - Jun 2012
Project Description
This project provided tailor-made teaching materials with appropriate teaching modules to local direct entry students to train their mathematical skills to solve engineering problems. A top-down approach was introduced to deliver Mathematics concept through tackling engineering problems. A small-class teaching environment with ability grouping was adopted to improve pedagogy of the course and encourage peer learning activities.
Project Outcome
Developed the Mathematics modules by: a) introducing Mathematics concepts through tackling engineering problems; and b) designing laboratory materials to solve engineering problems
Improved the pedagogy of the course by: a) introducing a small-class teaching environment; b) providing tailor-made teaching materials; c) introducing mini-projects to solve real engineering problem with Mathematics; d) encouraging peer learning activities; and e) conducting presentation sessions
Project Documents (Only accessible by HKUST users)
Learning Embedded System Design through the Anatomy of a Smart Phone and Hands-on Experience of Implementing Real-Life Applications
Project Leader
Prof Chi-ying Tsui
School / Dept
Project Duration
Jan 2011 - Jun 2012
Project Description
This project provided opportunities for students to get to know what an embedded system was, to provide hands-on experience on how to use an embedded system to create new applications as well as to prepare them for their future career. Practical components were injected into the course by the inviting experienced engineering practitioners from the industry to hold hands-on sessions. Apart from the coursework, students carried out their own embedded system design project which fostered their creativity and design knowledge.
Project Outcome
Developed and offered a new course on embedded system design that focused on introducing a holistic view on complex electronic system design and providing experience on integrated hardware/software design.
Developed different software and hardware learning modules which were used in the course to provide a comprehensive understanding and appreciation on embedded systems. In particular, 14 weeks lecture materials were developed, 6 software and hardware laboratory sessions and material were developed.
Offered hand-on experience which included laboratory sessions, design projects and presentations in the course. The students needed to do project proposal presentations and also final project presentation.
Invited the guest lecturer and some experienced engineering practitioners from the industry to share their real working experience in the field of embedded design.
Presented the course in the department faculty seminar to share the project experience.
Project Documents (Only accessible by HKUST users)
Development of an Assessment Scheme for a Student Design Project/Competitions Course
Project Leader
Prof Kam-Tim Woo
School / Dept
Project Duration
Mar 2010 - Jun 2012
Project Description
This project modified the existing assessment scheme to facilitate students to achieve the learning outcomes of a course on student design project/competitions by 1) developing new and specific rubrics; 2) introducing self and peer assessment; 3) involving communication tutor or language instructor to assess students; 4) studying the feasibility of integrating project elements into LANG courses for engineering students and 5) getting feedback from stakeholders, like professionals and representatives from the NGOs etc.
Project Outcome
Developed assessment rubrics and introduced peer assessment so that the students can learn from each other
Kept track with the students' learning progress and promoted students' self-reflection along with instructors' feedback
Involved other faculties and other stakeholders (including professionals, non-governmental organizations, etc.) to assess and give feedback to the students
Project Documents (Only accessible by HKUST users)