Creation a web-based learning platform for advanced Chinese Learners

Project Overview

Project Title

Creation a web-based learning platform for advanced Chinese Learners

Project Leader

Dr Shelia Liang

School / Dept


Project Duration

Jan 2017 - Feb 2018

Project Description

This proposal aims to incorporate Technology Enhanced Language Learning (TELL) materials to enhance an advanced Chinese communication course (LANG 1127), designed for UST undergraduates of non-Chinese speaking backgrounds and exchange students who have learned Chinese for about 350 hours. We would like to create a learning platform where

  1. students can have ready access to language resources to support their autonomous learning;
  2. students are encouraged and required to take some responsibility of their own learning;
  3. increased collaboration between students, and between students and instructor, is made possible through the provision of adequate time and space for collaborative learning;
  4. teachers can regularly observe and review students’ progress, and offer timely feedback to individuals based on their language levels and needs.

Project Outcome

The project is still ongoing. Project outcomes will be updated upon project completion.



Project Documents
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Full Project