Delivering Quality Outcome-based Final Year Projects in the New Four-Year Civil Engineering Undergraduate Curriculum

Project Overview

Project Title

Delivering Quality Outcome-based Final Year Projects in the New Four-Year Civil Engineering Undergraduate Curriculum

Project Leader

Prof Xueqing Zhang

School / Dept


Project Duration

Jul 2013 – Feb 2015

Project Description

Based on an original project "Developing a Web-enabled Innovative Learning Outcome Assessment System for Final Year Projects in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering" , the current project aims to develop a web-based system for the final year projects (FYPs) in CIVL with two new additional elements that have arisen as there have been significant changes made to the FYP courses in CIVL's new four-year UG program. In the system, online evaluation, feedback and grading will be accessible by CIVL and CLE teaching staff, as well as students. It will also track students’ progress and provide reminders for keeping the project on track as well as making suggestions for training needed at specific stages in the FYP process. The project also includes the development of training materials related to project management that are a need for students in this capstone experience and for which they will receive automated suggestions/reminders when reaching specific stages in the capstone process.

Project Outcome

  1. The following major web-based FYP management functions were developed and tested:
    My Profile
    My FYP
    General FYP Information
    FYP Assessment
    Sample FYPs
  2. The above functions were tested using 6 actual FYP projects in the academic year of 2014/15. The usability and the friendliness of the interface were significantly improved taking into consideration of the comments from the FYP students, CELT staff and FYP supervisors.



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