Enhancing Students’ Learning with Interactive Demonstrations

Project Overview

Project Title

Enhancing Students’ Learning with Interactive Demonstrations

Project Leader

Prof Raymond Chi-Wing Wong

School / Dept


Project Duration

Jan 2014 - Jun 2015

Project Description

This project aims to develop a web-based demonstration system in Learning Management and Evaluation System (LMES) with an in-class demonstration that carries pre-defined input datasets and after class interactive demonstration that allows students to modify input datasets to obtain different output for their assignments. Each demonstration is classified into two types, problem-driven demonstrations (illustrating problems studied in the course) and concept-driven demonstrations (illustrating concepts used in the course). The demonstrations are related to real-life applications and by implementing them in the common core course (COMP 1942), it is believed that the demonstrations can enhance students’ interest and learning.

Project Outcome

  1. To have in-class demonstrations of concepts introduced in class.
  2. To have interactive demonstrations of concepts after class.
  3. To incoporate user tracking features in the interactive demonstrations to record users' behavior.



Project Documents
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Full Project