School of Humanities and Social Science
Washington State University
- Program-level Outcomes Assessment is explained in terms of its purposes and processes. at Washington State University,268268&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL
National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment
- Toolkit - they provide information on commonly used tools that university uses for assessment, i.e. Tests, Surveys and Portfolio - The NILOA 2009 national survey report, "More Than You Think, Less Than We Need: Assessment in Higher Education"
Association of American Colleges and Universities
- VALUE (Valid Assessment of Learning in Undergraduate Education)
Fifteen institutional-level draft rubrics were created through the VALUE project. Each of them contains the most common and broadly shared criteria or core characteristics for judging the quality of student work. - Critical Thinking Assessment provides examples and further resources on assessing critical thinking
Assessment Resource Center, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- The useful links page is a resource hub containing articles and examples of assessments shown by skill, subject or type of assessment.
ASKe at Oxford Brookes University
- ASKe is the Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning being recognized for good practice based on pedagogic research into aspects of assessment carried out by staff in the Business School and the Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development.
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Program and Courses Outcomes System (PACOS) is a free web-based system designed for departments to use as a centralized web system, which manages the course and program information in regard of OBE, e.g. ILOs and mapping.
Queen Mary, University of London
Thinking Writing - a guide to writing-intensive teaching and learning
Prince George's Community College
Collection of documents related to teaching critical thinking and reasoning in all disciplines.
Example of Program Learning Outcomes
The examples here describe what graduates of a program should be able to do as a result of learning experiences within that program. Some of them are written according to the criteria set by accrediting and professional bodies.
Example of Aligning Learning Outcomes and Assessments
Department of Communication, Arts, and Humanities, University of Maryland University College
Program: Baccalaureate Degree Program in Humanities
Full text:
Annotated summary: /files/public/u_of_maryland_humanities.doc
Overall, the alignment between intended learning outcomes and assessments is quite strong for all outcomes except for 1 and 14.
Examples of Programs
Bachelor of Arts (International Studies), RMIT University
Bachelor of Arts (International Studies) Program diverse curriculum cultivates a systematic and future-orientated approach to international professional practice. Eight dimensions of capabilities define the knowledge; skills and attributes of a modern global professional can be acquired and refined in three distinct stages or levels: Foundational, Intermediate and Graduate. The program pursues a student-centered and practice-orientated pedagogy directed towards helping students to construct their knowledge of the world and acquire essential socio-cultural and community, including preferably bilingual skills, to work effectively as an international professional.
Online learning in first year modern history at Oxford Brookes University
'Oberon - Aims, Methods and Techniques of Historians' is a fully online induction, and is compulsory for first years taking the BA History course. Students have to work in pairs to write about their own biographies, to make them aware of the malleable and plastic nature of history. The students then are organised into larger groups to interrogate collections of original documents, before going on to work on and experience a range of writing tasks, quizzes and multimedia experiences. 'Oberon' allows Brookes historians to employ a number of different learning methods, to inform, stretch and test students in ways that traditional lectures and classes might not. By the end of the course, students are possessed of a wide knowledge and understanding of the techniques used by historians to construct, think about and write about the past. They should also have an understanding of how the use of particular sources and techniques can influence the shape of history.
Sociology Combined Honours, University of Portsmouth
This combined program aims to provide a framework for students to study two subject areas and develop specialist interests and knowledge. It provides a challenging and stimulating study environment and an opportunity to develop key skills. It equips graduates with the necessary transferable skills for lifelong learning and flexibility in the context of changing labour markets and to provide students with the skills and knowledge required to maximise career and postgraduate study opportunities. A variety of teaching and learning strategies were used to help student achieved the intended learning outcomes. The assessment methods used on the programme are varied and aligned to the learning outcomes.
Adopting an ‘Outcome-Based' Approach to Teaching and Learning Presentation of Prof Tony L. Hung (29 Apr 2008)
Student Assessment of Learning Goals web site
Contact Point
Prof SAUTMAN Barry V
Telephone number: 2358 7821
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