Enhancing Task-Based Language Learning and Teaching with Mobile Devices

Project Overview

Project Title

Enhancing Task-Based Language Learning and Teaching with Mobile Devices

Project Leader

Sean McMinn

School / Dept


Project Duration

Jan 2012 - Feb 2013

Project Description

This proposal aimed to develop, implement and test task-based language and teaching  methodology with mobile devices connected to the HKUST wireless network and classroom computer terminals to enhance student-student and student-teacher collaboration and communication throughout various stages in the TBLT methodology and to enable teachers to give prompt and appropriate feedback based on students' immediate needs.

Project Outcome

  1. Developed, implemented and tested task-based language and teaching  (TBLT) methodology with mobile devices;
  2. Documented and recommended ways to enhance student-student and student-teacher collaboration and communication throughout various stages in the TBLT methodology (pre-task, task, language focus, post-task) with the mobile devices in the classroom;
  3. Developed and suggested new ways to give prompt and appropriate feedback using various applications on mobile devices; and
  4. Recommended further development in implementing mobile devices for teaching and learning for other CLE courses.



Project Documents
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Full Project