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Disciplinary Resources for SHSS

[SOSC] Social Science History

This journal aims to “advance the study of the past by publishing research that appeals to its interdisciplinary readership of historians, sociologists, economists, political scientists, anthropologists, and geographers.” It invites “articles that blend empirical research with theoretical work, and contribute to the development of quantitative and qualitative methods of analysis.” Click on General Information for submission guidelines.

[SOSC] Asian Studies on the Pacific Coast (APSAC) 2006

“APSAC is the Pacific Rim conference of the Association for Asian Studies. Our region includes the states of Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon, and Washington; the territorial possessions of the United States in the Pacific Ocean; Mexico; and the Canadian provinces of Alberta and British Columbia. It is dedicated to promoting a better understanding of Asia throughout this region.” 

Call for papers by 1 March 2006

[SOSC] 16th Annual ASEN Conference

28-29 March 2006, London School of Economics, United Kingdom

The theme of the 16th Annual Conference of the Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism (ASEN) is “Nations and their Pasts: Representing the Past, Building the Future. The first day of the conference is dedicated to a general discussion of the topic by leading scholars in the field, while the second day offers opportunities for scholars to examine the significance of nation’s pasts in the context of the study of nationalism in a series of panel sessions.”

Call for papers by 29 March 2006

[SOSC] International Conference on Naming in Asia: Local Identities and Global Change

23-24 February 2006, Singapore

“In Asia, a great variety of personal naming systems are present. Each bears on the way society defines personal and social identity.” The purpose of this conference is to cover new ground and better understand the role of naming in Asian societies through their past history and present circumstances, particularly global change. in Asia.htm

[SOSC] International Social Science

The journal is published quarterly in six languages. It serves as a forum to review, reflect and discuss the results of relevant research done by social scientist from different parts of the world.

[SOSC] SIMI (Site for Instructional Materials and Information)

SIMI is “a venue for college and university teachers to communicate ideas and to disseminate materials for teaching quantitative social and behavioral science”. It “supports innovative teaching that integrates Social Science content with instruction on data analysis, statistics, and research design and methodology. The goal is to enhance both quantitative literacy and Social Science knowledge.”

[SOSC] Asian Studies WWW Virtual Library

This virtual library contains valuable resources for research on the fields of Social Science. Sites are inspected and evaluated for their adequacy as information sources. It also has numerous links to many other fields of Social Science and is extensively organized to help researchers use the site effectively.

[SOSC] Social Science Information Gateway (SOSIG)

SOSIG is a freely available Internet service which aims to provide a trusted source of selected, high quality Internet information for students, academics, researchers and practitioners in the Social Sciences, Business and Law.” In its recent Social Science Week event, held from 20-24 June 2005, a number of experts were invited to participate and “to look at how the Internet has altered their working practices and the impacts this has had on their research and/or teaching.” A number of articles are posted onto a Web Log and listed under daily topics such as Learning and Teaching, Research Methods, Assess to Data and e-Social Science. You may also look at the responses to these articles.

[SOSC] Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change

Supported by an international editorial board, it "focuses on critically examining the relationships, tensions, representations, conflicts and possibilities that exist between tourism/travel and culture/cultures in a rapidly changing and increasingly complex global context."

[SOSC] Contemporary Issues and Ideas in Social Sciences (CIISS)

CIISS is "a web journal open to all academics and researchers in social sciences. It encourages the research on neglected but important problems which have been propounded or have become important in the last few decades and formulation of a critique of the current mainstream methodology, as well as demarcation of areas and identification of domains where mainstream methodology may be relevant and useful."
