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Disciplinary Resources for SHSS

[General] MIT Open Courseware

MIT's project and archive to make freely available all of their course materials, lecture notes, syllabi, assignments, etc.

[General] Pacific Studies WWW Virtual Library

This is a very powerful web site that remains quite up-to-date. The site 'provides the typical library search facilities for the South Pacific that you would expect from an academic site, but it also provides links to Pacific mailing lists, reviews of various types, maps, new services, bibliographies, databases and various other archives'.

[General] Educational Resources Information Center

ERIC is 'the largest education database in the world and contains more than 1 million records of journal articles, research reports, curriculum and teaching guides, conference papers, and books'. ERIC is supported by the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Educational Research and Improvement and is administered by the National Library of Education (NLE).

[General] EDUCAUSE Resource Center

The EDUCAUSE Resource Center is 'a repository for information concerning use and management of information technology (IT) in higher education. EDUCAUSE, and its affiliates, publish a number of books, periodicals, monographs and more'.
