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Disciplinary Resources for SHSS


THEN is a "peer-reviewed journal that takes a humanities-based approach to research on technology in education. Published work will be available both online and as print issues available on demand."

[HUMA] Center for History and New Media

"Since 1994, the Center for History and New Media at George Mason University has 'used digital media and computer technology to democratize history-to incorporate multiple voices, reach diverse audiences, and encourage popular participation in presenting and preserving the past. It sponsors more than a dozen digital history projects and offer free tools and resources for historians."

[General] The JUMP Project

"The JUMP-Project is a suite of free, open-source applications that provide an extensible API and graphic user interface (GUI) for viewing and manipulating spatial data-sets. "The major projects of the JUMP Project suite include: the JUMP Unified Mapping Platform (JUMP); the JTS Topology Suite (JTS) and the JCS Conflation Suite (JSC).

[General] CSISS (Center for Spatially Integrated Social Science) Select Tools

Researches from The Center for Spatially Integrated Social Science have chosen a list of Spatial Analysis Tools "or their usefulness in aiding the exploration and analysis of spatial phenomena in the social sciences."

[General] CSPro (Census and Survey Processing System)

CSPro is "a public-domain software package for entering, tabulating and mapping census and survey data. It is designed to replace both IMPS (The Integrated Microcomputer Processing System) and ISSA (Integrated System for Survey Analysis)."

[General] AnSWR

AnSWR is "a software system for coordinating and conducting large-scale, team-based analysis projects that integrate qualitative and quantitative techniques."

[General] Virtual Instructional Designer (VID)

"This web tool is designed to assist instructors with the process of transforming online instruction and face-to-face delivery enhancement. With a variety of different informational modules, tutorials, and your personalized features, the VID is the perfect one stop source for all your instructional needs."

[General] H-Net Humanities and Social Science Online

This is "an international consortium of scholars in the humanities and social sciences that creates and coordinates electronic networks, using a variety of media, and with a common objective of advancing humanities and social science teaching, research, and outreach." Its Discussion Network functions as electronic networks, where professors, teachers and students are able to exchange ideas and materials openly. H-Net Reviews "makes a new kind of interactivity possible, as reviewers, authors and readers engage in discussions of the reviews online."

[General] EDUCAUSE 2006

9-12th October 2006, Dallas, Texas

'Focused on the theme "Spurring Innovation and Marshalling Resources," the diverse program offers a variety of ways to gather information, engage with peers in the higher education IT community, and hear from leading figures in the field-including pre-conference seminars; track sessions; poster sessions; small group meetings; and corporate exhibits, presentations, and workshops'.

[General] EBSCO Electronic Journals Service

Table of contents for 5000 journals in all subject areas. Full-text of articles for selected journals is available.
