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Augmented reality teaching and learning in a laboratory course

Project Overview

Project Title

Engaging undergraduate students in a high-school outreach initiative in life science

Project Leader

Dr Cindy Lam

School / Dept


Project Duration

Jan 2018 - Dec 2019

Project Description

Through the support of this TD project, an interactive AR mobile app will be developed first for LIFS3330, and later for other LIFS courses.

  • An interactive AR enabled mobile app will be developed with the following features to support the laboratory classes and field trips to intertidal mudflats and rocky shores in HK:
    • Field guide of the intertidal mudflats and rocky shores in HK
    • A database of species and marine organisms at different marine environments
    • Concept checking questions and case-study questions for field trips and laboratory sessions
    • Videos and other materials of the preserved marine species specimens in the lab to show the morphology, diversity, relationships to other groups of organisms, and ecology or the specimens
    • English learning resources to support lab report writing skills in marine biology.

Project Outcome

The project is still ongoing. Project outcomes will be updated upon project completion.



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Full Project

Engaging undergraduate students in a high-school outreach initiative in life science

Project Overview

Project Title

Engaging undergraduate students in a high-school outreach initiative in life science

Project Leader

Prof Ho Yi Mak

School / Dept


Project Duration

May 2016 - Aug 2017

Project Description

The project aims to motivate the undergraduate LIFS students to relate what they have learnt about human genetics to current issues; and then to transfer their knowledge to high school students. The project proposed a new course that engages students in scientific literature review and laboratory-based problems. At the end of the course, students will lead the laboratory exercises that they have optimized to high school students.

Project Outcome

The project is still ongoing. Project outcomes will be updated upon project completion.



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Full Project

Enhancing students' self-efficacy through inquiry-based assessment techniques

Project Overview

Project Title

Enhancing students' self-efficacy through inquiry-based assessment techniques

Project Leader

Prof Karen Chan

School / Dept


Project Duration

Jun 2015 - May 2017

Project Description

The goal of this project is to research if shifting the emphasis of assessment to mastery of skills concerning scientific inquiry would help increasing students’ internal motivation to learning, and ultimately improve learning outcome. The goal will be achieved by:

  • Modifying and further developing a set of problem sets that are data-driven and inquired-based on core concepts of ocean sciences
  • Engaging students in an online virtual lab as a final project
  • Adopting a scientific approach and quantify the effectiveness of these intervention through the use of concept inventories, attitude surveys and focus groups.

Project Outcome

The project is still ongoing. Project outcomes will be updated upon project completion.



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Full Project

Science Education with Case Method - a pilot project to develop cases in life sciences

Project Overview

Project Title

Science Education with Case Method - a pilot project to develop cases in life sciences

Project Leader

Prof King L CHOW

School / Dept


Project Duration

Jan 2015 - Jun 2017

Project Description

The objective of this project is pilot-building a number of science cases that center on issues that demand sufficient understanding of the scientific knowledge, but at the same time require thorough consideration from social, economic and political viewpoints.  With the cases, students  are expected to acquire the ability to critically evaluate any scientific issues with a comprehensive consideration of all related information and different perspective, but not solely based on hard facts.

Project Outcome

The project is still ongoing. Project outcomes will be updated upon project completion.



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Full Project

Blended learning – a summer course of “the science of gastronomy” for HKUST students

Project Overview

Project Title

Blended learning – a summer course of “the science of gastronomy” for HKUST students

Project Leader

Prof King L CHOW and Prof Lam Lung YEUNG

School / Dept


Project Duration

Oct 2013 - Nov 2014

Project Description

This project aims to develop and offer a six week "Gastronomy" course in the summer 2014 using a blended learning mode. This new course very different from the original gastronomy course will enable students to apply knowledge learned from video and in class lectures, project exercise, discussion in tutorial sessions, and skills learnt to real life situations (practices at home or in class experiments) so that they would fully integrate the learned knowledge and apply in their cuisine preparation eveyday. This credit base course offered on campus would be developed to combine the merits of the flexibility, active engagement and interaction of online course, the face-to-face oral communication and instant feedback of instructor-to-student and student-student discussion in class.

Project Outcome

  1. A fully blended course with extensive flipping of the classroom was delivered as a package of our own HKUST students, which served well as a pilot operation ot cover over 23,000 students online and a small cohort of students for the HKUST student on campus.
  2. A full set of in-class materials, inlcuding numerous experiemental demonstrations, in-class and off-class group project manual and detailed organization plan was developed.
  3. The course was taken as a refernce for blended learning in other courses. The experience we gathered were disseminated to colleagues at HKUST, local institutions and in international conferences.



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Full Project

An Integrated and Cyber-based Approach to Biotechnology

Project Overview

Project Title

An Integrated and Cyber-based Approach to Biotechnology

Project Leader

Dr Helen Cheung

School / Dept


Project Duration

Sep 2013 – Jan 2016

Project Description

This project aims to make use of a multimedia approach to design a series of flexible learning medium by deploying instructional strategies including interactive self-directed learning aids, task-based problem solving exercises, self-test quizzes and supplementary reference reading, which will be accessible from the LMES platform. This series of self-learning materials can prepare the students for the lab session and consolidate what they have learnt in lectures lab sessions.

Project Outcome

A series of interactive self-study learning aids, complementing theoretical inputs and experimental practices. 

Task-based problem-solving exercises highlighting the application of knowledge taught



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Full Project


Further Application of Metabolic Pathways Interaction Including Further Environmental Applications

Project Overview

Project Title

Further Application of Metabolic Pathways Interaction Including Further Environmental Applications

Project Leader

Prof WK Wong

School / Dept


Project Duration

Oct 2004 - Jan 2005

Project Description

This innovation was extended for final year students to increase their understanding of metabolic pathways in the biotechology related fields. It went into the area in greater depth than the previous adaptation. More specifically, it introduced further environmental applications to the software namely, polymer storage and utilization relevant to biological phosphorous removal.

Project Outcome

  • The metabolic pathway calculator has been further developed to include a) Alternative Electron Acceptors to Oxygen and b) Polymer Storage and Utilisation.

  • The calculator has been checked for any run errors and the accuracy of its calculations – it is now error free in all of the applications we have tested.

  • A new interface has been developed to include these new features.

  • The package has been tested in both biochemistry classes (BISC363) and chemical engineering classes (CENG361).

  • The feedback from students was generally good in terms of the usefulness and ease of use of the package. However, it was considered that more background information to explain the operation of the package further would be helpful. A more extensive manual was also recommended by some. These will be undertaken over the next few months before the package is again tested in the classroom (CENG565 in Oct).

  • Specific problems relevant to Environmental Engineering / Environmental Biotechnology are also being developed.



Project Documents
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Adaptation from Understanding the Practical Consequences of Metabolic Pathways Interaction Using Computer Simulations


An Adaptation of "All-round Development of Science Students through Project Courses" in Biological Sciences and Science Education Program

Project Overview

Project Title

An Adaptation of "All-round Development of Science Students through Project Courses" in Biological Sciences and Science Education Program

Project Leader

Prof K L Chow

School / Dept


Project Duration

Oct 2004 - Feb 2006

Project Description

The ongoing reform in Hong Kong education system emphasized on all-round development of students according to his/her own attributes. A group of students in the Physics Department were given opportunities to strengthen their skills in searching, discovering, integrating and organizing knowledge and training in their collaborative and communication skills. This project aimed to give similar learning opportunities and training to the students in the BSc in Biology and Science Education, providing them an invaluable experience for self-evaluation, improvement and building their confidence in public speaking. For those who had not considered a teaching career, the exposure may open up their mind towards this alternative.

Project Outcome

By the time of project completion, nine students from three different classes have taken part in this project helping with the organization of six talks in five different schools.  Students gained extensive experience on the preparation of public seminars, gathering relevant scientific information, polishing their presentation skills and in turn helped to establish an outreach program for the department.  The objectives (and deliverables) are highlighted as follows:

  • Training of students on seminar preparation – These students working in groups of two or three have selected topics of interest relevant to the high school biology study.  They have attended training workshops conducted by ID team of CELT and project members.  They have acquired basic skills in multimedia technology for presentation. 

  • Training of students on presentation skills – In order to ensure quality delivery of the presentations, multiple rehearsals were organized before each school visit, so that the presentation team will have the best coordination during the visit.  This benefit of practices has indeed been highly remarked by some secondary school teachers because of the high quality of the presentations.  These rehearsals also help to fine tune the seminars for the audience of different age groups, which spans from Form 1 to Form 6.  While students need to give more than one presentations, they were asked to evaluate their own and others’ performance in different visits.  Major improvement in presentation skills, confidence and effectiveness of communication was noted, which is a good reflection of the success of this training.

  • Acquisition of scientific knowledge for the presentation - With respect to the scientific content, the participating students have developed the story line of the presentation based on current scientific research relevant to the secondary school science syllabus.  They have consulted project members from the Biology department and AMCE program to develop a better understanding of the subject matter related to evolution and adaptation before the subject was organized and tailored for the student audience.  The learning process has been very productive for the participating students.

  • Outreach program – Having students enthusiastically going out to visit secondary schools, it prompts us to consider formalizing the outreach program with heavier student participation.  The extension of this program may represent a continuing effort we take to reach out to science students in the secondary schools.



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Adpataion from All-round Development of Science Students through Project Courses


Understanding Bioinformatics: Direct Experience with Interactive Learning

Project Overview

Project Title

Understanding Bioinformatics: Direct Experience with Interactive Learning

Project Leader

Prof Xue Hong

School / Dept


Project Duration

Jan 2004 - Jan 2005

Project Description

The field of Bioinformatics was advancing rapidly.  Traditional teaching could not cater for the dynamic nature it now has.  Besides studying books and other published materials, students needed an interactive environment to gain hands-on experience.  They always had to use programmes with sophisticated algorithms and calculations.  As some of them were unfamiliar with computers or mathematics, learning problems arise.  This project aimed to help them overcome this obstacle and motivate them to learn. Modifications or add-ins were made to free software.  Study aids were also designed to help students learn the programmes after class by themselves.  These aids taught not only programme functions, but alsohow it could be applied to actual research.  The work wasdone in modules according to various topics.

Project Outcome

As stated in the original proposal, we have made some modifications and add-in to some computer programs that perform various bioinformatics tasks. The operation of the original programs are usually in command line and difficult to use, which scared many of the student with less computer knowledge. We therefore made the graphical user interface which is more user-friendly and also easier for teaching. In addition, we also created some step-by-step study aids, which are pretty much welcomed by the students. These study aids mimic that someone is using the program on the screen and guide the students through different tasks. Different features of the programs can therefore clearly been shown. A forum was also created originally, but the rate of using is very low. Students seemed to prefer asking question in person or by email rather than by discussion board, so we have finally abandoned it. We also gathered many available resources on the web, for example the databases, computer programs sources, multimedia about basic biological knowledge etc.

All the above mentioned outcomes and deliverables are put in our homepage. This homepage can therefore be the bioinformatics portal for the students. Students can find many materials about bioinformatics in this homepage, whenever they think of it.



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Full Project

A Further Application of Metabolic Pathways Interaction Software

Project Overview

Project Title

A Further Application of Metabolic Pathways Interaction Software

Project Leader

Prof Robert Ko

School / Dept


Project Duration

Jan 2004 - Nov 2004

Project Description

This project aimed to develop an online learning and teaching system that included the knowledge base, information dissemination structure, task-based quizzes and self-learning aids in graphical/animated formats within an integrated communication platform to encourage online discussion. Through the system, students were able to grasp abstract and complex subject matter more effectively and gain more interest and knowledge on the topic.  Also studetns were motivated to learn independtly and callaboratively.

Project Outcome

  • Metabolic Simulator modified to allow the modification of macromolecules composition for protein, lipids, DNA, RNA, cell walls.

  • A new interface was developed for this purpose.

  • The modification further enhanced the existing package and allowed a “lower level entry” for those not familiar with metabolic simulations. Biochemists are familiar with the detailed composition of macromolecules and the pathways from which they are made. Hence, biochemistry students can commence to use the package in an area with which they are familiar and then progress to the more quantitative aspects for the simulation (the “engineering analysis”).

  • The user manual was enhanced to include these changes.

  • Additional problem sets were added to the existing sets.

  • The simulator was trialed in BISC363 in Nov 2004 and the student responses were analysed by CELT.

  • The package was well received by students, although some further background information and explanation of the underlying fundamentals was considered necessary.



Project Documents
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Adaptation of Online Approach to Introduction to Biochemistry

