Advanced Interactive Software Tool for the Design of Pharmaceutical Products and Processes
Project Leader
Prof Robert Ko
School / Dept
Project Duration
Jan 2006 - Jun 2007
Project Description
This project adpated a previous project that developed a software tool named “Pharmaceutical Products and Processes Simulation System (P3S2)” for chemical engineering and bioengineering students. It aimed to add the remaining unit operation models and refine the current ones. The functionality will be improved so that students could simulate more complicated and realistic processes. In addition, user interface was also modified. Finally, the software will also be tested more thoroughly.
Project Outcome
Database of the software was extended to include more chemical components’ physical and chemical properties.
Project Documents (Only accessible by HKUST users)
Creating a Chinese Version of Interactive 3D Animation Prototype of the Life Cycle of ACh
Project Leader
Prof Karl Tsim
School / Dept
Project Duration
Nov 2007 - Jun 2008
Project Description
Project Leader facilitated students, who were from Chinese as Medium of Instruction (CMI) schools and the mainland China, to have a better understanding about the subject matter by developing a Chinese version of the interactive 3D animation prototype of the life cycle of ACh.
Project Outcome
A Chinese version interactive 3D animation of the life cycle of Ach, including a bilingual English-Chinese glossary of neurological and biochemical terms was developed.
Project Documents (Only accessible by HKUST users)
Peer Review of Biology Final Year Projects-A Platform for the Development of Critical Thinking
Project Leader
Prof Karl WK Tsim and Dr Nina L Siow
School / Dept
Project Duration
Sept 2009 - Aug 2011
Project Description
This project tried to refine the assessment methods for Biology Final Year Projects from assessing solely by teaching staff to student peers evaluation. Through round-table discussion and online peer-review of poster presentation, students developed better skills in critical thinking, communication and presentation skills.
Project Outcome
The online peer review system was developed, pilot-tested, and implemented.
Three sets of rubrics for various outcomes were developed and introduced to students.
The assessment framework and guidelines for the oral and poster presentation were developed.
Project Documents (Only accessible by HKUST users)