Getting Started
Quick Tips for Planning and Implementation
You, or your team, can get started with an online instructional project using web-based technologies with the help of the steps presented below. You can also consult the Introduction and Solutions & Applications sections in this sub-portal.
If you would like some help from CEI in planning and implementing your teaching project, please contact
Here are the simple procedures to help you start planning and developing an on-line project.
Step 1: Assess Your Needs
You will have reasons for wanting to develop an online project. These reasons may be disseminating information more effectively, fostering communication, enhancing student learning etc. Before you start to develop the contents, it is crucial to know what you want ultimately and the implications. To find out the reasons, you may have to know the needs of the learners as well as other stakeholders. The presentation on how to plan for an online project might give you some ideas on finding the needs. In addition, you may also use a template of project proforma given by Dr Mike Keppel, the Head of Centre for Integrating Technology in Education of Hong Kong Institute of Education.
Step 2: Choose Your On-line Learning & Teaching (OLT) Model
Then you need to decide on which OLT course model to adopt. To help you do this, we have identified four models of online learning and teaching that are adopted by higher education.
Step 3: Prepare Your Contents
You may now prepare the instructional materials of your projects. Here we have prepared some templates and examples for your reference.
- Building Your Syllabus
- Developing Course Outline and Setting Learning Objectives
- Course Outline and Learning Objectives Templates and Examples
- Designing Before and After Lecture Activities
Step 4: Apply for Copyright
We recommend you to give serious thoughts to the copyright issue. CEI has compiled some useful sites for you to learn more about this. Please visit Intellectual Property and Copyright. In addition, you may go through the PowerPoint slides or video of the presentation given by the Director of Intellectual Property of the Hong Kong Government, Mr. Stephen Selby, JP, at UST For your reference, here is a copyright application template.
Step 5: Deliver your course content through Canvas
When you are done with the content preparation, you can upload your content to Canvas for delivery. If you do not have a course in Canvas, you may sign up for a course site here.
Step 6: Attend Canvas workshops
CEI offers regular training and workshops for faculty at the beginning of or prior to each semester on detailed use of the platform. All teaching staff will be notified by email on the dates and time.
Step 7: Orientation and Training for Students
On the first day of class, we recommend you to orient your students on the new format of your instructional materials by walking them through the special learning activities or features. This will help your students use the online content more effectively.
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