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Community heritage and food process technology project: Oral history, salt production, Hakka food tradition and experiential learning in Yimtintsai Village, Sai Kung

Project Overview

Project Title

Community heritage and food process technology project: Oral history, salt production, Hakka food tradition and experiential learning in Yimtintsai Village, Sai Kung

Project Leader

Prof Marshal YS LIU and Prof S W CHEUNG

School / Dept


Project Duration

Sep 2016 - Aug 2018

Project Description

This project aims to develop a community heritage service program in Yimtintsai Village, Saikung, into an interdisciplinary experiential learning platform of “Community Heritage and Food Processing Technology” for two courses in the Division of Humanities and the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, namely, HUMA3630 Community and Cultural Identity and CENG4630 Food Processing Technology, and one USEL (Undergraduate Student-initiated Experiential Learning) Program in School of Engineering, respectively.

Project Outcome

The project is still ongoing. Project outcomes will be updated upon project completion.



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Experiential Learning in Aerospace Engineering: Development of an Interactive Online Gaming Platform to Improve Student Understanding of Aircraft Performance and Design

Project Overview

Project Title

Experiential Learning in Aerospace Engineering: Development of an Interactive Online Gaming Platform to Improve Student Understanding of Aircraft Performance and Design

Project Leader

Prof Larry Li

School / Dept


Project Duration

Apr 2016 - May 2018

Project Description

This project aims to bring the aircraft design and build experience into the classroom, integrate it with the theoretical concepts of aerospace engineering, and use its experiential mechanisms to form definitive links between classroom knowledge and real-world practice.

Project Outcome

The project is still ongoing. Project outcomes will be updated upon project completion.



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Weaving a Knowledege Web with Technology

Project Overview

Project Title

Weaving a Knowledege Web with Technology

Project Leader

Dr Brahim Bensaou and Dr Cindy Xin Li

School / Dept


Project Duration

Jan 2016 - Jun 2017

Project Description

The project aims to implement the integrated web portal and software that enable the interconnection of teaching material around the knowledge points. Hub nodes in the knowledge web are knowledge points, and they are all cross-referenced with satellite nodes of related teaching materials. The tool will also further facilitate personalized teaching by allowing instructors to track statistically the knowledge points that seems to be the most difficult to comprehend. It will also provide an enhanced interactive learning community.

Project Outcome

The deliverables (mainly in software online portal formats) that were achieved so far sets its target user as course instructors, and provides them with a set of modules including:

- Asset management: essentially an online file system allowing the management of course related files

- Snippet management: allows segmenting and tagging teaching materials, assoicating them with knowledge points. A single set of note, or lecture video can contain multiple tags

- Knowledge graph builder: allows creating, deleting, and viewing a list of knowledge points for a course. It works with the previous two to associate tagged teaching materials to knowledge points. It weaves a virtual knowledge web

- Personalized teaching tool: Once the knowledge web is created, instructor can create pre-defined 'threads' in the knowledge web to guide students to learn and review certain sets of course materials on a personal need. It is still in its trial stage, since this tool needs to work with the student portal



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Extension of Safety Education to Industrial Chemical Plant Safety by Anlysis of Process and Instrument Diagrams (P and ID) integrated with a HAZOP (Hazard and Operability) Methodology and Industrial Case Studies

Project Overview

Project Title

Extension of Safety Education to Industrial Chemical Plant Safety by Anlysis of Process and Instrument Diagrams (P and ID) integrated with a HAZOP (Hazard and Operability) Methodology and Industrial Case Studies

Project Leader

Prof J P Barford

School / Dept


Project Duration

Jan 2016 - Sep 2017

Project Description

The project aims to extend the present safety training at CBME by introducing 1) the Process and Instrument Diagrams (P and ID) that are commonly used in the industry; and ) industrial accident case studies.

Project Outcome

 A HAZOP training package was developed for undergraduate teaching which incorporated both laboratory and industrial safety examples. Specifically, P.&I.D. symbols and P.&I.D. drawing were addressed for laboratory application. Industrial safety was addresses usinga Plant HAZOP Quiz and videos of Industrial Accidents. The intention is for the package to be a self- contained and self- learning package.



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Development and Testing of Pause and Replay Technology in Learning (PARTL) in Engineering Design

Project Overview

Project Title

Development and Testing of Pause and Replay Technology in Learning (PARTL) in Engineering Design

Project Leader

Prof David Lam

School / Dept


Project Duration

Jan 2016 - Dec 2016

Project Description

The project aims to develop a set of skill-specific PARTL (Pause and Replay Technology in Learning) videos to fill the learning gap that caused by mass tutorials in which students' individual learning pace cannot be accomodated. With the PARTL videos, students can paused when they needs time to think and replay if they do not understand any concept.

Project Outcome

  • Develop a video template suitable for problem solving engineering tutorials.
  • Produce a series of videos that corresponds to the course’s structure.
  • Administer videos and collect interaction data from students.
  • Analyze data from student video interaction.
  • Obtain student feedback



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Underwater Robot Community Engagement Project

Project Overview

Project Title

Underwater Robot Community Engagement Project

Project Leader

Prof K T Woo

School / Dept


Project Duration

Jul 2015 - Jun 2017

Project Description

This project proposes to develop an experiential learning project-based course that provides our undergraduate students an opportunity to work with their peers from other schools (i.e. SENG/SSCI/SBM/SHSS/IPO) as a team, to serve the identified community group who are from normal primary and secondary students as well as students with special education needs (SEN).

Project Outcome

The project is still ongoing. Project outcomes will be updated upon project completion.



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Application of Building Information Modeling Technology and Blended Learning Technique for Teaching Civil Engineering Drawing

Project Overview

Project Title

Application of Building Information Modeling Technology and Blended Learning Technique for Teaching Civil Engineering Drawing

Project Leader

Prof Jack Cheng

School / Dept


Project Duration

Jul 2015 - Dec 2017

Project Description

The project aims to enrich the present engineering drawing course by introducing the Building Information Modeling (BIM), a cutting-edge technolog in civil engineering; and blended learning approach will be adopted to achieve the purpose.

Project Outcome

The project is still ongoing. Project outcomes will be updated upon project completion.



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An Experiential Extension of IELM2100: a controlled parallel trial

Project Overview

Project Title

An Experiential Extension of IELM2100: a controlled parallel trial

Project Leader

Prof Richard So

School / Dept


Project Duration

Aug 2015 - Jul 2017

Project Description

The project aims to provide students opportunities to enhance their learning through experiential learning projects developed based on real scenario from the industry. At the same time, the project will conduct a controlled trial to study and compare the learning experience of student taking IELM2100 with 1) a regular lecture and lab mode of learning and 2) an experiential project and lecture mode of learning.

Project Outcome

- an introductroy video providing the industrial relevance of the EL project

- a customized TA's manual on how to guide the UG students through a modified Master/Apprentice mode of learning (FACDEV, 2014)

- sets of rubrics for different stages of the EL projects for continuous feedback and evaluation of learning outcomes

- an enhanced video for the EL projects from start to finish for future promotion

- the delivery of the dual-mode of IELM2100 in Spring 2016 and 2017

- a report analyzing the effectiveness of the new experiential model of learning



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Enhancing the Experiential Aspects of COMP4441 Computer Music

Project Overview

Project Title

Enhancing the Experiential Aspects of COMP4441 Computer Music

Project Leader

Prof Andrew Horner

School / Dept


Project Duration

Aug 2015 - Jul 2017

Project Description

The project was proposed to achieve the following objectives:

  • To increase the experiential aspects of COMP4441 Computer Music and to adopt a more open-ended approach so that students can reflect on and apply what they learn.
  • In particular, to incorporate musical effects into interactive, hands-on, experiential labs where students can experiment with the parameters and hear the effects directly for themselves to deepen their understanding and appreciation.
  • Students will follow-up their lab work with short reflective exercises to understand how what they have learned in lecture and lab applies to ambient sounds in daily life, listening to recorded music, and live concerts.
  • They will generalize and apply what they have learned in the lecture and labs to develop a music app or game for the student-led course project on a topic of their choosing, where students can build anything that combines music and computers. This allow them to explore and deepen their interests.

Project Outcome

  • Redesigned the Computer Music class as an experiential class with a sense of adventure, magic, fantasy, and mystery like a Harry Potter potions or charms class at Hogwarts.
  • Made each lab assignment a wild and seemingly unachievable musical adventure, and structured the entire course around these challenges
  • The list of the labs created:

    • Lab1: Music in a Universe without Time
    • Lab2: Interstellar X
    • Lab3: Alien Ringtones
    • Lab4: Music for Kings and Congregations
    • Lab5: Congregation Horror Story
    • Lab6: Congregation Love Song
    • Lab7: Congregation Misery
    • Lab8: Hello Kitty Soundbites
    • Lab9: Gatekeeper of Hell
    • Lab10: Star Wars Lightsaber Duel
    • Final Project: Mind-Bending Mood Warping or Mutant Animal Orchestra



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Reinvent CIVL1140 with Flipped Classrooms and Team-based Experimental Learning

Project Overview

Project Title

Reinvent CIVL1140 with Flipped Classrooms and Team-based Experimental Learning

Project Leader

Prof Chii Shang

School / Dept


Project Duration

Mar 2015 - Feb 2017

Project Description

The objective of this project was to evolve the common core course, CIVL1140, from a conventional large-class classroom into an interactive learning environment by integrating team projects, experimental learning, service learning and peer learning into a flipped classroom.

Project Outcome

Step-wise inclusion and integration of team project-based experimental learning and flipped classrooms to CIVL 1140.
An innovative teaching and learning approach that integrates flipped classroom learning, peer learning, team-project bases experimental learning, and service learning.
A set of real-world practical problems that ask students to tackle these problems from identifying problems, acquiring knowledge, formulating and analyzing strategies, to the end of project delivery
A few sets of environmental quality control gadgets made by the student teams, with multidimensional considerations of social constrain, science and engineering, cost-effectiveness, etc.
This course is successfully reinvented to become an adventure to develop students' passion and interest through continuous exploring knowledge, overcoming properly-planned challenges, and making achievements in "saving-the-world" projects beyond their anticipation.



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