Project Description
A variety of teaching tools are needed to clearly and comprehensively explain the essence of academic theories. Ideally they should be integrated into daily life and motivate students to learn. These tools can be diagrams, models, worked examples, short video clips, 3D computer animations, and ill-structured examples. However, their effectiveness on learning is unknown and thus it is important to evaluate this. The findings from this evaluation of innovative teaching tools shed light on HK students’ learning styles, helping all faculty in preparing their teaching materials. The study was carried out in three phases, delivering classroom teaching by using each of the above tools, conducting a quiz and a survey after each lesson and analyzing the quiz and survey results, and comparing the effectiveness of each tool.
Project Outcome
- Delivered an experimental classroom teaching by using six different teaching tools.
- Conducted quiz and survey after the classroom teaching.
- Analyzed the results of the quiz and survey and to compare the effectiveness of each teaching tool.
- Presented and shared our findings at the Teaching and Learning Symposium: Lo, I. M. C. and Young, B. (2004). “Investigation of the Effectiveness of Different Teaching Tools”, Proceedings of the Second Teaching and Learning Symposium, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong.
- Prepared a full paper and submitted it to an international journal: Lo, I. M. C. and Young, B. (2004). “Effectiveness of Classroom Lecture using Different Teaching Tools”, International Journal of Engineering Education (Submitted). The paper is currently under review.