Development of a New Assessment Method for CBME Laboratory
Project Leader
Prof John Barford
School / Dept
Project Duration
Feb 2009 - Jun 2010
Project Description
This project re-designed the lab course assessment from report-based assessment to comprehensive viva-like oral-based assessment and examination. The new assessment allowed students to demonstrate their in-depth understanding of relevant theory associated with the experiments, technology used in the experiments and the relevant theory related to the core lecture courses in CBME.
Project Outcome
A more comprehensive curriculum of the lab course mapping with the learning outcomes was revamped and piloted.
As a continuation, the assessments for lab course were refined and adopted to the consecutive laboratory courses.
The assessments for a laboratory course were proposed.
This lab course served as a prototype for integrating language training (particularly report writing and oral presentation skills) into a laboratory course.
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Adopting Computer Algebra Systems in Engineering Education: Curriculum and Assessment Issues
Project Leader
Prof Thomas WC Hu and Prof Xueqing Zhang
School / Dept
Project Duration
Jan 2009 - Jan 2011
Project Description
This project tried to reform the assessment focus of engineering courses with permission and encouragement using CAS (computer algebra system) calculators in examination to enhance students' problem solving skills with more complex, realistic and creative modeling questions.
Project Outcome
Study on the CIVL exam questions of universities was conducted.
New CAS-related teaching and learning materials were developed.
Assessment were re-designed and was implemented in 3 courses.
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Teamwork Development Across the Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Curriculum
Project Leader
Prof Edmond Ko
School / Dept
Project Duration
Jan 2009 - Dec 2011
Project Description
This 3-year project developed an assessment strategy for the systematic MBTI-based teamwork training to students through explicit instructions, practice opportunity and formative feedback throughout the undergraduate curriculum in the department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering.
Project Outcome
Student assessment: A strategy involving the assessment of students' conceptual knowledge, peer-assessment, self-assessment and instructor-on-team evaluation has been developed for producing evidence of students’ teamwork skills.
Student learning: Improvement in students’ conceptual knowledge of teamwork and teamwork skills over the project period has been demonstrated through the assessment strategy mentioned above.
Program assessment: The project has provided an example of how to develop a specific professional skill systematically across an undergraduate curriculum, supported by appropriate pedagogy and assessment strategy.
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Application of Excel VBA to Problem Solving in Core Subjects in Chemical Engineering
Project Leader
Prof Gordon McKay
School / Dept
Project Duration
Feb 2008 - Jun 2008
Project Description
The project extended the application of Visual VBA to more CENG core course and to teach problem-solving skills using VBA to students.
Project Outcome
VBA programs and lecture notes to undertake the industrial economic problems of “project evaluation“ were specially designed and developed.
A demonstration in one lecture was implemented. Students were taught to solve the problems by designed VBA programs and to discover alternative methods.
Project Documents (Only accessible by HKUST users)
Spreadsheet Engineering - The Application of Excel's Macro Programming Language, (Visual Basic for Applications) to Core Courses within Chemical Engineering
Project Leader
Prof John Barford
School / Dept
Project Duration
Jan 2007 - May 2008
Project Description
The project made major changes to the curricula by structuring teaching of Excel - Visual Basic Application (VBA) in an introductory first year course; and the application of VBA throughout our major core courses during the remainder of the UG degree courses.
Project Outcome
An industrial training module in using Excel VBA to solve simple chemical engineering problems "A case study on Fed-Batch Bioreactor" and Excel VBA Training Manual was developed.
Demonstration of the applications of Excel VBA in solving chemical engineering problems were demonstrated to students in 2 courses.
Project Documents (Only accessible by HKUST users)
Adaption of Podcasting Techniques for a Postgraduate Computer Science Course
Project Leader
Prof David Rossiter
School / Dept
Project Duration
Feb 2007 - Dec 2007
Project Description
The project provided students (who often cannot attend lectures for legitimate reasons) access to the lecture material via a podcast.
Project Outcome
A new feature of the GONG system was developed and able to support import of any podcast and export any voice board in the system as a podcast. An add-on podcasting feature of GONG system was designed in Java environment which was applicable to all platforms. RSS subscription function was added. Any audio recordings can be simultaneously published as a podcast. Newly added or edited messages in the Gong voice board will automatically reflected in the Gong podcast by any podcast reading system.
The system was implemented in a course.
Project Documents (Only accessible by HKUST users)
Bioinformatics in Bioengineering: Direct Experience with Interactive Learning
Project Leader
Prof Kathy Luo
School / Dept
Project Duration
Dec 2006 - May 2008
Project Description
The objective of this project was to refined and re-design the software and website developed in a previous project for students in bioengineering.
Project Outcome
Course materials of Bioinformatics were refined. Add-on curriculum, step-by-step instructions and teaching materials on Bioinformatics were developed. Teaching materials and step-by-step instructions on Bioinformatics were uploaded to the learning management system for students’ self-practice.
Project was implemented in a course.
Project Documents (Only accessible by HKUST users)
Extending GONG to Enable Audio Podcasting for Teacher/Learner Communication
Project Leader
Prof Jogesh K. Muppala
School / Dept
Project Duration
Jan 2007 - May 2008
Project Description
The project adapted the GONG tool, which was developed in a previous project, to enable bi-directional audio communication between the student and the teacher. Students were enabled to keep up with the audio conversations by subscribing to the audio podcasts of the various threads of discussion on the GONG boards; and was provided a convenient interface for generating audio content for podcast.
Project Outcome
The technology of audio communication with podcast is ready and available. The GONG system was modified and able to support import of any podcast and export any voice board in the system as a podcast. It also enabled bidirectional audio communication between the students and the teacher with the content available as podcast.
The GONG audio discussion board with podcast support was adopted in three courses.
Project Documents (Only accessible by HKUST users)
Enhanced Student Learning in Civil Engineering Courses Using CAS Calculators
Project Leader
Prof Thomas Hu
School / Dept
Project Duration
Jan 2007 - Jun 2008
Project Description
The project developed new solution methodology for engineering problems using a new class of calculators embedded with Computer Algebra Systems (CAS). It also designed new teaching materials, with explicit reference on the use of CAS calculators to tackle matrix inversion, multiplication and transposition, etc.
Project Outcome
New teaching methodology, a more automated, simplified and effective approach using CAS calculator rather than a traditional manual approach, was adopted to handle the engineering surveying and mechanics problems. CAS calculator-based teaching materials for three civil engineering courses were designed whereas current teaching materials were also modified for the new model of CAS calculators.
The new teaching methodology with the use of CAS calculator was adopted in 3 classes.
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The project extended the GONG system, which was developed in a preiovus project, to automatically index the recorded lectures, and the lecture material in order to facilitate the learning of students who had diverse learning pace. In this way, students could easily and efficiently playback the relevant parts at a pace according to their needs.
Project Outcome
The audio-indexing feature was coped inside the GONG software, and demos were put online.
The system was implemented in two courses. The responses from the students were pretty good.
Parts of the work are presented in international conferences.
Project Documents (Only accessible by HKUST users)