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Development of Lecture-Demonstration Interactive Approach for Engineering Dynamics Teaching/Learning Using Wireless MEMS-based Motion Sensors

Project Overview

Project Title

Development of Lecture-Demonstration Interactive Approach for Engineering Dynamics Teaching/Learning Using Wireless MEMS-based Motion Sensors

Project Leader

Prof Yi-Kuen Lee

School / Dept


Project Duration

Jul 2011 - Jan 2013

Project Description

This project developed both hand-on and virtual demonstration/experiment modules to supplement and assist classroom teaching using the advanced wireless MEMS-based motion sensors. The objectives were to stimulate students’ interest, promote interactive learning environment and effectively transfer knowledge through the combine lecture-demonstration teaching approach.

Project Outcome

The project developed a set of experiment kits to supplement and assist classroom teaching of the Engineering Dynamics courses (MECH103 / MECH2030)



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Teaching a Second Programming Language Using the Emporium Model

Project Overview

Project Title

Teaching a Second Programming Language Using the Emporium Model

Project Leader

Prof David Rossiter

School / Dept


Project Duration

Jul 2011 - Jan 2014

Project Description

To facilitate transition to the 4 year-program, this project pioneered the design and creation of a suite of transition modules for teaching a second programming language using the Emporium Model. Specifically, the content of the transition module would be designed and delivered within the context of LMES with appropriate assessment methodologies.

Project Outcome

A course (now a group of courses) which teaches HKUST students who already know how to program to learn a second or third programming language, delivered using non-traditional methodology on a specially arranged platform.



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Less Mathematics Anxiety and More Engineering: the Integration of Graphing Calculators with Computer Algebra Systems (GCCAS) in Engineering Courses

Project Overview

Project Title

Less Mathematics Anxiety and More Engineering: the Integration of Graphing Calculators with Computer Algebra Systems (GCCAS) in Engineering Courses

Project Leader

Prof Thomas WC Hu and Prof Wenjing Ye

School / Dept


Project Duration

Jul 2011  - May 2013

Project Description

This project promoted the use of Graphing Calculators with Computer Algebra Systems (GCCAS) in handling mathematical tasks in engineering courses that cannot be done efficiently by hand and/or ordinary calculators. Teaching materials and problem sets were developed to train students on the engineering applications of GCCAS. In addition, a web-based discussion group in Facebook was developed for students and instructors of engineering and science courses to communicate on using GCCAS.

Project Outcome

  • New methods for solving mechanics problems, further automating previously CAS-assisted approaches (e.g. complete automation of the assembly procedure for matrix truss analysis), and their step-by-step illustration in various CIVL course materials;
  • Revised mechanics problem sets, quizzes and exams which incorporate more in-depth treatment of popular topics in statics, dynamics and engineering surveying;
  • Student survey responses and control-group test data verifying the positive impact of using computer algebra systems to alleviate mathematical burden in engineering classes;
  • Innovative supplementary course materials to treat MECH 2010 homework problmes in a non-traditional, CAS-assisted way.



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Eliminating Teaching and Learning Barriers for Improved Learning Outcomes in a Class with Students of Diverse Academic Backgrounds by Employing a Student-Centered Problem-Based Teaching and Learning Method

Project Overview

Project Title

Eliminating Teaching and Learning Barriers for Improved Learning Outcomes in a Class with Students of Diverse Academic Backgrounds by Employing a Student-Centered Problem-Based Teaching and Learning Method

Project Leader

Prof Xueqing Zhang

School / Dept


Project Duration

Jul 2011 - Jun 2013

Project Description

This project employed a student-centered problem-based teaching and learning method (PBTL) to a sample course. With a review of PBTL practices in other universities, a number of interactive teaching and learning resources were developed, including suites of problems, guidelines for in-class exercises, student teamwork, in-class presentations and oral presentations. Special focus was placed on how to develop the problems for PBTL in the view of the diverse student backgrounds to stimulate and situate learning with increased degree of relevance and rigor.

Project Outcome

  1. Developed a student-centered  problem-based teaching and learning methodology for the civil engineering courses/programs
  2. Developed resources for the implementation of the student-centered  problem-based teaching and learning methodology, e.g., suites of problems and guidelines for in-class exercises, student team work, in-class discussions and oral presentations
  3. Developed innovative methods for the assessment of student learning outcomes, including student’s self-evaluation, student’s peer-evaluation, and instructor’s  continuous evaluation
  4. Implemented the student-centered  problem-based teaching and learning methodology in two sample courses, CIVL5210 and CIVL4250
  5. Created an interactive teaching-learning environment for two sample courses CIVL5210 and CIVL4250



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Development of Mathematics Modules for enhancing students' engineering problem solving skills

Project Overview

Project Title

Development of Mathematics Modules for enhancing students' engineering problem solving skills

Project Leader

Prof Kam Tim Woo

School / Dept


Project Duration

Jan 2011 - Jun 2012

Project Description

This project provided tailor-made teaching materials with appropriate teaching modules to local direct entry students to train their mathematical skills to solve engineering problems. A top-down approach was introduced to deliver Mathematics concept through tackling engineering problems. A small-class teaching environment with ability grouping was adopted to improve pedagogy of the course and encourage peer learning activities. 

Project Outcome

  1. Developed the Mathematics modules by: a) introducing Mathematics concepts through tackling engineering problems; and b) designing laboratory materials to solve engineering problems
  2. Improved the pedagogy of the course by: a) introducing a small-class teaching environment; b) providing tailor-made teaching materials; c) introducing mini-projects to solve real engineering problem with Mathematics; d) encouraging peer learning activities; and e) conducting presentation sessions



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Development of Lecture-Demonstration Interactive Approach for Solid Mechanics Teaching/Learning

Project Overview

Project Title

Development of Lecture-Demonstration Interactive Approach for Solid Mechanics Teaching/Learning

Project Leader

Prof Wenjing Ye

School / Dept


Project Duration

Mar 2011 - Jun 2013

Project Description

This project developed hand-on and virtual demonstration/experiment modules to supplement teaching and learning activities of Solid Mechanics. Through these modules, it aimed to stimulate students' interest, promote interactive learning environment and effectively transfer knowledge. Specifically, demonstrating tools were developed to illustrate deformation of some basic structure elements, and commercial FEM softwares was employed to create virtual experiments for the demonstration of physical experiments in engineering mechanics computation and design.

Project Outcome

  1. Developed a series of virtual demonstration modules to illustrate the relationship between the applied loading, deformation of the structure elements and the stress developed inside the structures. These modules include 3D illustrators, videos and virtual experiments produced using the commercial software ABAQUS.
  2. In parallel with the development of virutal teaching modules, three sets of devices have been designed for experiments on axially loaded bar, torsional shaft and bending beam. Multiple units of each device have been manufactured, enabling in-class testing.



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Learning Embedded System Design through the Anatomy of a Smart Phone and Hands-on Experience of Implementing Real-Life Applications

Project Overview

Project Title

Learning Embedded System Design through the Anatomy of a Smart Phone and Hands-on Experience of Implementing Real-Life Applications

Project Leader

Prof Chi-ying Tsui

School / Dept


Project Duration

Jan 2011 - Jun 2012

Project Description

This project provided opportunities for students to get to know what an embedded system was, to provide hands-on experience on how to use an embedded system to create new applications as well as to prepare them for their future career. Practical components were injected into the course by the inviting experienced engineering practitioners from the industry to hold hands-on sessions. Apart from the coursework, students carried out their own embedded system design project which fostered their creativity and design knowledge.

Project Outcome

  • Developed and offered a new course on embedded system design that focused on introducing a holistic view on complex electronic system design and providing experience on integrated hardware/software design.
  • Developed different software and hardware learning modules which were used in the course to provide a comprehensive understanding and appreciation on embedded systems. In particular, 14 weeks lecture materials were developed, 6 software and hardware laboratory sessions and material were developed.
  • Offered hand-on experience which included laboratory sessions, design projects and presentations in the course. The students needed to do project proposal presentations and also final project presentation.
  • Invited the guest lecturer and some experienced engineering practitioners from the industry to share their real working experience in the field of embedded design.
  • Presented the course in the department faculty seminar to share the project experience.



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Development of an Assessment Scheme for a Student Design Project/Competitions Course

Project Overview

Project Title

Development of an Assessment Scheme for a Student Design Project/Competitions Course

Project Leader

Prof Kam-Tim Woo

School / Dept


Project Duration

Mar 2010 - Jun 2012

Project Description

This project modified the existing assessment scheme to facilitate students to achieve the learning outcomes of a course on student design project/competitions by 1) developing new and specific rubrics; 2) introducing self and peer assessment;  3) involving communication tutor or language instructor to assess students; 4) studying the feasibility of integrating project elements into LANG courses for engineering students and 5) getting feedback from stakeholders, like professionals and representatives from the NGOs etc.  

Project Outcome

  1. Developed assessment rubrics and introduced peer assessment so that the students can learn from each other
  2. Kept track with the students' learning progress and promoted students' self-reflection along with instructors' feedback
  3. Involved other faculties and other stakeholders (including professionals, non-governmental organizations, etc.) to assess and give feedback to the students



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Developing a Web-enabled Innovative Learning Outcome Assessment System for Final Year Projects in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Project Overview

Project Title

Developing a Web-enabled Innovative Learning Outcome Assessment System for Final Year Projects in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Project Leader

Prof Xueqing Zhang

School / Dept


Project Duration

Mar 2010 - Oct 2011

Project Description

This project was funded to complete the preparation stage of the development of the web-based assessment system. It thus developed an outcome-based assessment system for the final-year projects (FYPs) of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. In order to facilitate both teachers and students to supervise and complete the FYPs under an outcome-based framework, the system included the outcome-based assessment criteria, evaluation methods and tools for FYP, information related to the teaching and learning methodology of outcome-based FYPs, expected outcomes for all teaching and research areas in the two BEng programs, key FYP training stages and procedures, training areas and teaching plans/strategies.

Project Outcome

  • The current FYP operation practices in two CIVL BEng programs have been reviewed.

  • Outcome-based FYP practices in universities in both Hong Kong and overseas have been reviewed.

  • A set of desired generic and professional learning outcomes for FYPs in civil engineering have been established.

  • Key learning areas in different FYP stages that contribute to the defined learning outcomes have been identified.

  • Multiple indicators (attributes) that measure the levels of the generic and professional learning outcomes obtained from FYPs have been developed.

  • A multi-attribute FYP learning outcome assessment system has been developed.



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Online Virtual Soil Lab

Project Overview

Project Title

Online Virtual Soil Lab

Project Leader

Prof Yu Hsing Wang

School / Dept


Project Duration

Nov 2009 - Jan 2012

Project Description

To facilitate student learning in understanding the complicated but important basic concepts of soil behavior in a large-class setting, this projec tbuilt an online virtual soil lab to consolidate students’ knowledge through exploring soil behavior, animated critical-state modeling, videos of soil experiments and a series of self-assessed quizzes in different topics and levels.

Project Outcome

  • An online virtual soil lab, inlcuding animated contents, videos and self-tests, was developed.



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