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Flipping the Classroom with iPad

Project Overview

Project Title

Flipping the Classroom with iPad

Project Leader

Dr Kenneth Wai-Ting Leung

School / Dept


Project Duration

Jan 2015 - Aug 2016

Project Description

The purpose of this project is to apply flipped classroom approach to  COMP1001 Exploring Multimedia and Internet Computing, by:

  • Redesigning and revamping the in-class activitiesand standardize them on iPad.
  • Updating the lecture slides with reference to the features of the iPad learning tools.
  • Preparing interactive online video lectures with in-lecture quizzes to help students pick up the required knowledge and assess their study.
  • Revising the assessment methods of COMP1001.
  • The revamped course will be offered to students in Fall 2015. Flipped classroom approach will be adopted. We will collect feedbacks from the students to evaluate the learning impact of the project.

Project Outcome

The project outcomes are yet been updated.



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Enhancing Students’ Learning with Interactive Demonstrations

Project Overview

Project Title

Enhancing Students’ Learning with Interactive Demonstrations

Project Leader

Prof Raymond Chi-Wing Wong

School / Dept


Project Duration

Jan 2014 - Jun 2015

Project Description

This project aims to develop a web-based demonstration system in Learning Management and Evaluation System (LMES) with an in-class demonstration that carries pre-defined input datasets and after class interactive demonstration that allows students to modify input datasets to obtain different output for their assignments. Each demonstration is classified into two types, problem-driven demonstrations (illustrating problems studied in the course) and concept-driven demonstrations (illustrating concepts used in the course). The demonstrations are related to real-life applications and by implementing them in the common core course (COMP 1942), it is believed that the demonstrations can enhance students’ interest and learning.

Project Outcome

  1. To have in-class demonstrations of concepts introduced in class.
  2. To have interactive demonstrations of concepts after class.
  3. To incoporate user tracking features in the interactive demonstrations to record users' behavior.



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Delivering Quality Outcome-based Final Year Projects in the New Four-Year Civil Engineering Undergraduate Curriculum

Project Overview

Project Title

Delivering Quality Outcome-based Final Year Projects in the New Four-Year Civil Engineering Undergraduate Curriculum

Project Leader

Prof Xueqing Zhang

School / Dept


Project Duration

Jul 2013 – Feb 2015

Project Description

Based on an original project "Developing a Web-enabled Innovative Learning Outcome Assessment System for Final Year Projects in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering" , the current project aims to develop a web-based system for the final year projects (FYPs) in CIVL with two new additional elements that have arisen as there have been significant changes made to the FYP courses in CIVL's new four-year UG program. In the system, online evaluation, feedback and grading will be accessible by CIVL and CLE teaching staff, as well as students. It will also track students’ progress and provide reminders for keeping the project on track as well as making suggestions for training needed at specific stages in the FYP process. The project also includes the development of training materials related to project management that are a need for students in this capstone experience and for which they will receive automated suggestions/reminders when reaching specific stages in the capstone process.

Project Outcome

  1. The following major web-based FYP management functions were developed and tested:
    My Profile
    My FYP
    General FYP Information
    FYP Assessment
    Sample FYPs
  2. The above functions were tested using 6 actual FYP projects in the academic year of 2014/15. The usability and the friendliness of the interface were significantly improved taking into consideration of the comments from the FYP students, CELT staff and FYP supervisors.



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Authentic Design Experiences in a Capstone Design Course for Engineering Identity Development

Project Overview

Project Title

Authentic Design Experiences in a Capstone Design Course for Engineering Identity Development

Project Leader

Prof Ben Chan

School / Dept


Project Duration

Aug 2013 – Jul 2016

Project Description

To develop the engineering identity among final year civil engineering students, this project intends to provide authentic design experiences to students in the capstone design course CIVL4950. The course structure is a full simulation of real-life workplace in civil engineering consulting firms, in a way that the students enrolled into this course are given a real construction project under planning in Hong Kong as a case study.

Project Outcome

The simulated approach has been implemented in a two credit capstone design course for final year civil engineering students.

The entire course can be seen as a full simulation of the real-life workplace in civil engineering consulting firms.



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Heuristics for Work Plan Preparation, Particularly Strengthening the Link between Experimental Procedures and Risk Assessment/HAZOP and Interpretation of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)

Project Overview

Project Title

Heuristics for Work Plan Preparation, Particularly Strengthening the Link between Experimental Procedures and Risk Assessment/HAZOP and Interpretation of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)

Project Leader

Prof John Barford

School / Dept


Project Duration

Aug 2013 – Dec 2014

Project Description

In this project, a safety training module is provided to CBME undergraduate students to enhance their learning by the use of heuristics. By using this module, the students are asked to prepare work plans, which will be reviewed by faculty members to the extent the work plans have identified and mitigated risks and that the proposed actions would have prevented the occurrence of the safety incident.

Project Outcome

  1. A heuristics approach to safety education and training was developed, resulting in a novel teaching tool (Hazard identification Software H.I.S.)
  2. A software base training safety module HIS (Hazards identification system) developed, it specifically addressing the link between experimental procedures and risk assessment / HAZOP and the interpretation of MSDS safety data sheets.
  3. An work plan evaluation rubrics was developed. This provided a clear guideline for  self and peer evaluation of the completeness of the work plan.



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Online C Programming Learning Suite

Project Overview

Project Title

Online C Programming Learning Suite

Project Leader

Prof Gibson Lam

School / Dept


Project Duration

Jul 2013 – Jun 2015

Project Description

This project aims to embed a set of interactive Web-based tools within the C Programming Bridging Course (COMP1029C) to enhance students’ learning. All the course materials (including lecture and practicing materials) can be put in the online course in that the students can access and practice on the course materials seamlessly anywhere via any device with Web browsing capability.

Project Outcome

The deliverable of the project is an Online C Programming Learning Suite that includes a set of interactive Web-based tools for learning and practicing C programming skills. These tools include:

  • a complete Web-based programming environment for writing and running C programs
  • a line-by-line interactive Web-based illustration of the execution of those C programs
  • an authoring tool for embedding the above tools within the online course.



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Online Virtual Soil Lab II

Project Overview

Project Title

Online Virtual Soil Lab II

Project Leader

Prof Yu-Hsing Wang

School / Dept


Project Duration

Aug 2013 – Jul 2014

Project Description

Build on the previous project “Online Virtual Soil Lab”, one new component is introduced in this project.  Students will have a chance to learn printing techniques of the new 3D printing technology as well as its applications in geotechnical engineering. In addition, this online Virtual Soil Lab II may resolve a problematic issue which arises from the onset of the new 4-year undergraduate curriculum. Those important but yet to be removed course materials (esp. lab sessions) after the same course is transferred from the 3-year to 4-year curriculum, can be incorporated in the online VSL II for students to learn through a self-learning mode.

Project Outcome

The Online Virtual Soil Lab was enriched with the following contents:

  1. Laboratory Tests to Quantify Shear Strength: students are able to learn and understand how to do these soil tests.
  2. Particulate-scale Soil Behavior: students are able to see and then understand the stress distribution in soils and the particle motion in response to shearing based on the experiments. Also, students are able to understand the new technology, 3D printing techniques.
  3. Classroom of Clayey Soils: students are able to understand different types of clay minerals and their engineering behavior.
  4. To Know Landslides: students are able to understand the underlying mechanisms of landslide initiations.



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On-line Interactive Virtual Labs for CBME, BIEN, CIVL and MECH Classes

Project Overview

Project Title

On-line Interactive Virtual Labs for CBME, BIEN, CIVL and MECH Classes

Project Leader

Dr Marshal Liu; Dr Carrie Ling and Prof Thomas Hu

School / Dept


Project Duration

Jul 2013 – Feb 2015

Project Description

This project intends to offer CBME, BIEN, CIVL and MECH students a series of on-line virtual labs that the teachers can use to supplement teaching and the students can participate in the relevant experiments by changing key parameters. A virtual lab consists of three major components:

  1. Model simulation of the essential properties of the system;
  2. Virtual lab view of the interactive user; and
  3. Narration of system information and instructions on how to use the virtual lab.

Project Outcome

  1. 8 virtual CBME experiements, including Evaporation, Drying, Fluid Flow, Heat Exchange, Bioreactor, Oxygen Tranfer have been developed. The contents of the experiments consist of introduction, theory, industrial process, equipment, experiment, discussion questions and online resources etc.
  2. 4 virtual experiments for BIEN, CIVL and MECH have been developed to present the concepts about material/tissue testing, loading and deformation of structures etc. The experiments allow students to analyze and prepare lab reports by providing simulated 'experimental data' that containing random errors. Students can also visualize the qualitative behavior of structures.
  3. Lecture notes of corresponding CIVL course have been re-designed.



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The HKUST Igniters Pilot Study

Project Overview

Project Title

The HKUST Igniters Pilot Study

Project Leader

Prof Yu-Hsing Wang

School / Dept


Project Duration

July 2012 - June 2013

Project Description

This project developed a new course called “The HKUST Igniters”, which promoted the Incubation of Greatness, Networking (channels), Innovations, Technology and Entrepreneurship (IGNITE). The teaching approach of the new course targeted on the imagination and hands-on experience of the students themselves to achieve the entrepreneurial spin-off of their inventions (or software package) in the end. The whole course set in the dimension of meta-cognitive knowledge with the execution along the way a blend of the procedural knowledge.

Project Outcome

The major outcomes of this project are:

  1. the acquiring of the skill to communicate ideas with teammates and work with them;
  2. the acquiring of the ability to proactively seek for the needed knowledge to complete the tasks;
  3. the ability to design a final prototype that solves an important problem, and finally if possible; and
  4. acquire the necessary knowledge and investment to start up a company. We achieve the first three but fall short of the fourth.

The major deliverables are:

  1. completion of two different prototypes of Smart Soil Particles (SSP, originally named GeoMEMS), one for massive field deployment and another one for intensive on-site data collection;
  2. successful on-site installation of the latter SSP  and a month into it the sensor captured a minute earthquake nearby, and finally
  3. successfully enter the HKUST 2013 One Million Dollar Entrepreneurship Competition and had been selected as one of the 12 finalists.



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Extension of HAZOP Study Animated Module to Incorporate Prioritization of HAZOP Actions

Project Overview

Project Title

Extension of HAZOP Study Animated Module to Incorporate Prioritization of HAZOP Actions

Project Leader

Prof David C W Hui

School / Dept


Project Duration

Oct 2004 - May 2006

Project Description

The original project was designed to guide students to identify process hazards. The adaptation required a more definitive decision making approach in order to classify the HAZOP actions into categories, i.e. prioritize the actions. Currently, students have great difficulty understanding risk assessment of chemical engineering projects as they have no experience to relate it too. By incorporating the risk assessment element of a HAZOP into the animated visualization, students were able to relate this to a real life context (albeit an animated one). This risk assessment was both qualitative and quantitative.

Project Outcome

  • For each of the five case study incidents a semi-quantitive risk analysis method was developed and its solution.  This entailed the students becoming involved and experiencing a decision making role while using the training module.

  • The enhanced module was then used in two courses with two groups of students: CENG 303 Plant Design, Economics (HKUST) with 60 students and PM3 MSc in Project Management, Ecoles Des Mines De Nates (France) with 12 students.



Project Documents
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Adaptation from To Develop a HAZOP Study Teaching Module

