
Outcome-Based Approach to Student Learning: A 4-staged model

Wed, 2007-11-14 12:00 to 13:30

Speaker: Dr Angela Ho

Location: Room 3027 (Lift 1)

Dr Angela Ho is the Head of Educational Development Centre of Hong Kong Polytechnic University. She has extensive experience in implementing outcome-based approaches to teaching, learning and assessment in higher education. In this workshop, she presented in a nutshell:

2 NOV 2007 FALL

Fri, 2007-11-02 (All day)

2007 TA Event - "A Good Show"

The Fall 07 TA Event organized by Teaching Assistant Coordinators Committee (TACC) and Center for Enhanced Learning & Teaching (CELT) was completed successfully on 2 Nov 2007 (Fri). More than 70 TAs from different departments enjoyed and participated actively in the show. The interactive role-playing games provided a chance for TAs to learn more on handling the difficult situations in their HKUST life.