
Adopting an ‘Outcome-Based’ Approach to Teaching and Learning

Tue, 2008-04-29 12:00 to 13:30

Speaker: Prof Tony L. Hung

Location: Room 3362, HKUST

Prof Hung is the OBE consultant for the School of Humanities and Social Science. In this talk, he reviewed a few Humanities syllabi to highlight where OBE has been practised and where modifications are needed to make teaching statements in line with the School ILOs and the University graduate attributes.

Workshop Materials:

Best TAC Election 2007 - 2008

Wed, 2008-04-23 12:34

In March 2008, TAs voted for their departmental TA Coordinator (TAC) on the online voting system. TAs who voted were eligible to participate in a lucky draw in which 10 TAs won HK$100 vouchers from Park n' Shop.

Winners of the Best TAC Election as follow:

Online Voting

Best TAC: Mr WONG Yan Fung (BIOL)

1st runner-up: Mr CAI Mingchao (MATH)

2nd runner-up: Mr LIN Thung-hong (SOSC)

Secret Ballot

Best TAC: Mr Alexander MURAVSKY (ECE)

1st runner-up: Mr WONG Yan Fung (BIOL)

2nd runner-up:

23 APR 2008 SPRING

Wed, 2008-04-23 (All day)

TA Certificate of Achievement Presentation Ceremony

The TA Certificate of Achievement Presentation Ceremony organized by Teaching Assistant Coordinators Committee (TACC) and Center for Enhanced Learning & Teaching (CELT) was completed successfully on 23 Apr 2008. Over 100 TAs from different departments participated and they received the Certificate of Achievement at the Ceremony. Also, the Best TAC Award was presented by Dr David Mole (AVPAA) at the Ceremony.