
Enhancing Your Teaching with eTools

Mon, 2014-01-27 (All day) to Tue, 2014-04-08 (All day)

In Spring 2014, CELT has offered a series of workshops to introduce a range of institutional eTools that support teaching at HKUST.

New Faculty Orientation Spring 2014

Thu, 2014-01-23 09:30 to Mon, 2014-01-27 14:00

The Center for Enhanced Learning and Teaching has organized a Faculty Orientation program that covers various topics and teaching and learning support services at HKUST. All faculty members and teaching staff are welcome to join the sessions that are of interest.

Registration closed.

Enquiry: celt@ust.hk or
               Dr Beatrice Chu (23588940 or ctbea@ust.hk).