
A Journey of Synthesis at HKUST

Fri, 2016-11-25 12:30 to 14:00

Speaker:  Professor Allen MOY
                Chair Professor, Department of Mathematics

Format: Seminar

Learning with videos: Design principles for creating educational video

Wed, 2016-11-16 12:30 to 14:00

Facilitator:  Maya Bogdanova, Consultant

Format: Seminar

Today, our students no longer rely only on lecture-notes and textbooks to access information and study. They watch videos to learn how to use software, how to solve mathematical equations, how to operate machines, and how to code. Thanks to platforms such as YouTube and Youku, educational content is created and delivered by anybody with knowledge to share and a camera.

Blended Learning ≠ Video Making - My joyful journey of moving a course out of traditional lecturing

Fri, 2016-11-04 12:30 to 14:00

Speaker:  Professor Chii Shang
                Professor and Associate Head, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Format: Seminar