
Writing Up Reports of Experiments

Mon, 2010-09-27 (All day)

Presenter: Dr Arthur McNeill, Director of Language Center

Format: Seminar

Dr Arthur McNeill, Director of Language Center taught PGs how to write up reports of experiments in a professional manner. The workshop was focused on the reporting of quantitative data.

Workshop Materials:

Projecting Your Voice Protecting Your Voice

Fri, 2010-09-17 (All day)

Presenter: Prof Oliver Lo, Adjunct Associate Professor, Division of Humanities

Format: Seminar

In this seminar, Prof Oliver Lo shared with us how to protect and project our voices as a teacher or presenter. By the end of this 90-minute workshop, participants was able to: 1) list ways of maintaining vocal hygiene 2) summarize the physiological aspects of vocal production mechanism 3) apply the learnt materials to develop breath support and optimum vocal placement.

Workshop Materials:

Managing the Relationship with Your Academic Supervisor

Wed, 2010-09-15 (All day)

Presenter: Prof King Chow, BIOL; Prof Zongli Lu, HUMA; Prof Mike So, ISOM

Format: Seminar

In this workshop, academic supervisors from various schools (Prof King Chow, BIOL; Prof Zongli Lu, HUMA; Prof Mike So, ISOM) shared their expectations and experiences in working with students. Speakers also answered students' questions related to managing relationships with their supervisors.

Workshop Materials: