
Preparing for Teaching & Learning at HKUST

Fri, 2016-08-19 11:00 to 15:30

Facilitators:  Miss Phoebe Mok, Miss Elaine Wong
                     Center for Education Innovation

Venue:  Room 6558 (Lift 27-28)

This program is for HKUST teaching support staff (e.g. Instructional Assistant; Teaching Associate) who are engaged in teaching-related activities, such as small-group teaching and/or marking students’ work.

New Faculty Orientation: Teaching and Learning at HKUST

Mon, 2016-08-15 09:30 to Wed, 2016-08-17 15:30

The New Faculty Orientation is a teaching and learning introductory program for all teaching staff who are either newly on-board or are within one-year of service at HKUST.  The program is specifically designed to take account of some key aspects of teaching and learning in the context of HKUST.