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Outcome-based Education

Adopting an ‘Outcome-Based’ Approach to Teaching and Learning

Tue, 2008-04-29 12:00 to 13:30

Speaker: Prof Tony L. Hung

Location: Room 3362, HKUST

Prof Hung is the OBE consultant for the School of Humanities and Social Science. In this talk, he reviewed a few Humanities syllabi to highlight where OBE has been practised and where modifications are needed to make teaching statements in line with the School ILOs and the University graduate attributes.

Workshop Materials:

Learning-oriented Assessment, Outcomes and Trust

Fri, 2008-02-29 12:30 to 14:00

Speaker: Dr David Carless

Location: Room 3027 (Lift 1)

Dr Carless is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong. In this seminar, he covered the following assessment issues:

Outcome-Based Approach to Student Learning: A 4-staged model

Wed, 2007-11-14 12:00 to 13:30

Speaker: Dr Angela Ho

Location: Room 3027 (Lift 1)

Dr Angela Ho is the Head of Educational Development Centre of Hong Kong Polytechnic University. She has extensive experience in implementing outcome-based approaches to teaching, learning and assessment in higher education. In this workshop, she presented in a nutshell:

Programme Outcomes Assessment

Thu, 2007-10-18 10:30 to 12:30

Speaker: Prof Ira Jacobson

Location: Room 6580 (Lift 27 / 28)

Prof Jacobson is the former member of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) Accreditation Board. In this seminar, Prof Jacobson will address the following issues:

What are appropriate learning outcomes and how they can be nurtured?

Thu, 2007-10-11 12:00 to 13:30

Speaker: Prof David Kember

Location: Room 3027

Prof Kember is the Professor of Learning Enhancement at Chinese University of Hong Kong. In this seminar, based on his research work on local higher education, Prof Kember addressed the following three issues:

  • What is an appropriate interpretation of 'learning outcomes' which satisfies both academics and the UGC?
  • What learning outcomes are needed by our graduates?
  • How can these be nurtured by universities?

Workshop Materials:

The Basics of Outcome-Based Education (OBE)

Tue, 2007-10-02 16:00 to 18:00

Speaker: Prof Harvey Brightman

Location: Lecture Theatre F, HKUST

Prof Harvey Brightman, Regents Professor Emeritus of Management Sciences at Georgia State University. Drawing upon his rich experience of outcome-based education in the US, in the seminar, Prof Brightman covered the following:

OBE Briefing for Schools

Fri, 2007-03-02 (All day) to Tue, 2007-03-13 (All day)

A series of briefings about OBE for schools were conducted in Mar 2007.

Outcome-based Approaches in Teaching and Learning

Thu, 2006-08-24 10:00 to 12:00

Speakers: Prof Edmond Ko, Dr David Mole and Mr Nick Noakes

Location: Room 6580, HKUST

This workshop introduces the concept of learning outcomes and their role in enhancing teaching and learning. Engineering accreditation exercises in the United States and United Kingdom will be used to illustrate the application of outcome-based approaches in a professional discipline. Finally, recent efforts at HKUST along this line, especially in relation to the planning of the four-year curriculum, will be described.
