Breaking Down The Four Walls: Experiences With Mobile Devices In Classroom Teaching
Presenters: Sean McMinn, Senior Instructor, Language Center
Yanlin Li, Research Assistant, Language Center
Format: Seminar
In this workshop, the presentator has focused on how mobile devices, such as the iPad are being used in the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Language Center’s task-based approach to language learning; enriching the task cycle, creating new opportunities for teaching English (and other languages), extending the classroom, and enabling both students and teachers to measure the process of learning a language through formative and peer evaluation. In many ways, such devices as the iPad allow students to construct and communicate meaning in collaborative and cooperative environments, either face-to-face or through online social media, and it encourages more student-student, student-content, and student-teacher interactions, allowing students to be more motivated and practice using the target language for authentic purposes. It also creates opportunities for reflection and metacognition, where students are encouraged in independent learning and self-confidence, and ‘cognitive apprenticeship’, where coaching and modeling occur and where scaffolding is provided to support language learning.
Workshop Materials:
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