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Thu, 2019-01-17 19:00

New Faculty Orientation: Teaching and Learning at HKUST, Spring 2019

Thu, 2019-01-17 09:30 to Fri, 2019-01-18 14:00
NFO Banner v1

The “New Faculty Orientation: Teaching and Learning at HKUST” is a teaching and learning introductory program for all teaching staff who has recently joined the University. This two-day program is offered twice a year in August and January and specifically designed to take account of some key aspects of teaching and learning in the context of HKUST. 

Visit from Professor Mick Healey

Fri, 2018-12-14 09:30 to 15:30

Speaker:  Professor Mick Healey
                Higher Education Consultant and Researcher,
                Emeritus Professor, University of Gloucestershire, UK.
Time:  Workshop 1:  9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
           Workshop 2:  2:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Format:  Seminar
We are delighted that Professor Mick Healey from the UK has revisited HKUST to give two workshops on 14 December 2018. He last visited the University for a week in 2011.

Forum on Undergraduates Intercultural Needs and Challenges at HKUST

Wed, 2018-12-12 12:30 to 14:00

Presenters:  Prof. Roger Cheng, Prof. May-Yi Shaw, Prof. Eva Chen, Dr. Beatrice Chu

Format:  Seminar

The Transition to Blended Learning - from Skeptic to Advocator

Fri, 2018-11-30 12:30 to 14:00

Speaker:  Prof Theodore CLARK, Associate Professor, Department of ISOM

Format:  Seminar

Seminar Overview:

Why transition to Blended Learning?

Simply because students are more active throughout class, can learn more and enjoy what they are learning.

Mindset for Success

Thu, 2018-11-15 16:00 to 17:30

Speaker:  Professor Carol S. Dweck
                Lewis and Virginia Eaton Professor of Psychology, Professor (by courtesy) Graduate School of
                Education, Stanford University

Format:   Seminar

Engaging students with education technological tools for active learning

Tue, 2018-10-30 12:30 to 14:00

Speakers:  Prof Ben Chan, Associate Professor of Engineering Education (CIVL),
                  Associated Director, Center for Engineering Education Innovation

                  Dr. Kenneth Leung, Lecturer (CSE)

Venue:  Room 6558 (Lifts 27-28)

Unmasking Teaching Excellence: Experience Sharing from Teaching Award Winners

Thu, 2018-10-18 12:30 to 14:00

Speakers:  Prof. David ROSSITER, Associate Professor of Engineering Education (CSE)
                  Recipient of the 2017 Michael G. Gale Medal for Distinguished Teaching

                  Dr Jason CHAN, Lecturer (CHEM)                                 
                  Recipient of the 2018 UGC Teaching Award (early career faculty member)

Format: Seminar
