Common Core Program Series: Joint Seminar on Common Core Courses – Development, Delivery and Assessment

Thursday, 20 November, 2014 - 12:30 to 14:00

Speakers:  Prof Naubahar SHARIF
                     Associate Professor, SOSC
                  Prof Raymond WONG
                     Associate Professor, CSE

Format: Seminar

In this joint seminar, the developers of two common core courses shared their hands-on experience in designing, developing and maintaining common core courses. In particular, they has featured the problems encountered and offer possible solutions, especially regarding the difficulties involved in preparing course materials for students with diverse backgrounds and arousing interest in students who are exposed to a subject for the first time while maintaining the interest and attention of students with prior knowledge of the course material. They has discussed the strategies they have adopted to motivate and facilitate students to make connections between course content and daily-life applications. They also shared their views on the use of assessment methods that they have found effective for differentiating students’ understanding of the course materials and the application of the theories learnt.

Workshop Materials: